-def install_module(src_dir, project_dir, module_dir, conn=None):
- """ Copy the normalization module from src_dir into the project
- directory under the '/module' directory. If 'module_dir' is set, then
- use the module from there instead and check that it is accessible
- for Postgresql.
- The function detects when the installation is run from the
- build directory. It doesn't touch the module in that case.
- If 'conn' is given, then the function also tests if the module
- can be access via the given database.
- """
- if not module_dir:
- module_dir = project_dir / 'module'
- if not module_dir.exists() or not src_dir.samefile(module_dir):
- if not module_dir.exists():
- module_dir.mkdir()
- destfile = module_dir / 'nominatim.so'
- shutil.copy(str(src_dir / 'nominatim.so'), str(destfile))
- destfile.chmod(0o755)
- LOG.info('Database module installed at %s', str(destfile))
- else:
- LOG.info('Running from build directory. Leaving database module as is.')
- else:
- LOG.info("Using custom path for database module at '%s'", module_dir)
- if conn is not None:
- with conn.cursor() as cur:
- try:
- cur.execute("""CREATE FUNCTION nominatim_test_import_func(text)
- RETURNS text AS '{}/nominatim.so', 'transliteration'
- DROP FUNCTION nominatim_test_import_func(text)
- """.format(module_dir))
- except psycopg2.DatabaseError as err:
- LOG.fatal("Error accessing database module: %s", err)
- raise UsageError("Database module cannot be accessed.") from err