Simple tests for internal server errors and response format.
Scenario Outline: Testing different parameters
Simple tests for internal server errors and response format.
Scenario Outline: Testing different parameters
When sending xml search query "<query>"
Then the result is valid xml
When sending json search query "<query>"
When sending xml search query "<query>"
Then the result is valid xml
When sending json search query "<query>"
| more_url | .*q=xfdghn%26zxn%22xvbyx%3Cvxx%3Ecssdex.*format=xml |
Scenario: Empty XML search with viewbox
| more_url | .*q=xfdghn%26zxn%22xvbyx%3Cvxx%3Ecssdex.*format=xml |
Scenario: Empty XML search with viewbox
| viewbox | 12,33,77,45.13 |
Scenario: Empty XML search with viewboxlbrt
| viewbox | 12,33,77,45.13 |
Scenario: Empty XML search with viewboxlbrt
| viewbox | 12,34.13,77,45 |
Scenario: Empty XML search with viewboxlbrt and viewbox
| viewbox | 12,34.13,77,45 |
Scenario: Empty XML search with viewboxlbrt and viewbox
| viewbox | 12,33,77,45.13 |
| viewbox | 12,33,77,45.13 |
- Scenario Outline: Empty XML search with polygon values
- When sending xml search query "xnznxvcx"
- | param | value |
- | polygon | <polyval> |
- Then result header contains
- | attr | value |
- | polygon | <result> |
- Examples:
- | result | polyval |
- | false | 0 |
- | true | 1 |
- | true | True |
- | true | true |
- | true | false |
- | true | FALSE |
- | true | yes |
- | true | no |
- | true | '; delete from foobar; select ' |
Scenario: Search for non-existing coordinates
When sending json search query "-21.0,-33.0"
Scenario: Search for non-existing coordinates
When sending json search query "-21.0,-33.0"
When sending xml search query "Vaduz"
| countrycodes |
| pl,1,,invalid,undefined,%3Cb%3E,bo,, |
When sending xml search query "Vaduz"
| countrycodes |
| pl,1,,invalid,undefined,%3Cb%3E,bo,, |