+### Change of layout of search_name_* tables
+The table need a different index for nearest place lookup. Recreate the
+indexes using the following shell script:
+for table in `psql -d nominatim -c "SELECT tablename FROM pg_tables WHERE tablename LIKE 'search_name_%'" -tA | grep -v search_name_blank`;
+ psql -d nominatim -c "DROP INDEX idx_${table}_centroid_place; CREATE INDEX idx_${table}_centroid_place ON ${table} USING gist (centroid) WHERE ((address_rank >= 2) AND (address_rank <= 25)); DROP INDEX idx_${table}_centroid_street; CREATE INDEX idx_${table}_centroid_street ON ${table} USING gist (centroid) WHERE ((address_rank >= 26) AND (address_rank <= 27))";
+### Removal of html output
+The debugging UI is no longer directly provided with Nominatim. Instead we
+now provide a simple Javascript application. Please refer to
+[Setting up the Nominatim UI](../Setup-Nominatim-UI) for details on how to
+set up the UI.
+The icons served together with the API responses have been moved to the
+nominatim-ui project as well. If you want to keep the `icon` field in the
+response, you need to set `CONST_MapIcon_URL` to the URL of the `/mapicon`
+directory of nominatim-ui.
+### Change order during indexing
+When reindexing places during updates, there is now a different order used
+which needs a different database index. Create it with the following SQL command:
+CREATE INDEX idx_placex_pendingsector_rank_address
+ ON placex
+ USING BTREE (rank_address, geometry_sector)
+ WHERE indexed_status > 0;
+You can then drop the old index with:
+DROP INDEX idx_placex_pendingsector;
+### Unused index
+This index has been unused ever since the query using it was changed two years ago. Saves about 12GB on a planet installation.
+DROP INDEX idx_placex_geometry_reverse_lookupPoint;