- cur.execute("""SELECT word, class, type, operator FROM word
- WHERE class != 'place'
- OR (type != 'house' AND type != 'postcode')""")
- for label, cls, typ, oper in cur:
- existing_phrases.add((label, cls, typ, oper or '-'))
- to_add = norm_phrases - existing_phrases
- to_delete = existing_phrases - norm_phrases
- if to_add:
- copystr = io.StringIO()
- for word, cls, typ, oper in to_add:
- term = self.name_processor.get_search_normalized(word)
- if term:
- copystr.write(word)
- copystr.write('\t ')
- copystr.write(term)
- copystr.write('\t')
- copystr.write(cls)
- copystr.write('\t')
- copystr.write(typ)
- copystr.write('\t')
- copystr.write(oper if oper in ('in', 'near') else '\\N')
- copystr.write('\t0\n')
- copystr.seek(0)
- cur.copy_from(copystr, 'word',
- columns=['word', 'word_token', 'class', 'type',
- 'operator', 'search_name_count'])
- if to_delete and should_replace:
- psycopg2.extras.execute_values(
- cur,
- """ DELETE FROM word USING (VALUES %s) as v(name, in_class, in_type, op)
- WHERE word = name and class = in_class and type = in_type
- and ((op = '-' and operator is null) or op = operator)""",
- to_delete)
+ cur.execute("SELECT info FROM word WHERE type = 'S'")
+ for (info, ) in cur:
+ existing_phrases.add((info['word'], info['class'], info['type'],
+ info.get('op') or '-'))
+ added = self._add_special_phrases(cur, norm_phrases, existing_phrases)
+ if should_replace:
+ deleted = self._remove_special_phrases(cur, norm_phrases,
+ existing_phrases)
+ else:
+ deleted = 0