$aParams['exclude_place_ids'] = implode(',', $this->aExcludePlaceIDs);
- if ($this->bBoundedSearch) $aParams['bounded'] = '1';
+ if ($this->bBoundedSearch) {
+ $aParams['bounded'] = '1';
+ }
if ($this->aCountryCodes) {
$aParams['countrycodes'] = implode(',', $this->aCountryCodes);
public function setLimit($iLimit = 10)
- if ($iLimit > 50) $iLimit = 50;
- if ($iLimit < 1) $iLimit = 1;
+ if ($iLimit > 50) {
+ $iLimit = 50;
+ } elseif ($iLimit < 1) {
+ $iLimit = 1;
+ }
$this->iFinalLimit = $iLimit;
$this->iLimit = $iLimit + min($iLimit, 10);
if ($sExcluded) {
foreach ($sExcluded as $iExcludedPlaceID) {
$iExcludedPlaceID = (int)$iExcludedPlaceID;
- if ($iExcludedPlaceID)
+ if ($iExcludedPlaceID) {
$aExcludePlaceIDs[$iExcludedPlaceID] = $iExcludedPlaceID;
+ }
- if (isset($aExcludePlaceIDs))
+ if (isset($aExcludePlaceIDs)) {
$this->aExcludePlaceIDs = $aExcludePlaceIDs;
+ }
// Only certain ranks of feature
$sFeatureType = $oParams->getString('featureType');
- if (!$sFeatureType) $sFeatureType = $oParams->getString('featuretype');
- if ($sFeatureType) $this->setFeatureType($sFeatureType);
+ if (!$sFeatureType) {
+ $sFeatureType = $oParams->getString('featuretype');
+ }
+ if ($sFeatureType) {
+ $this->setFeatureType($sFeatureType);
+ }
// Country code list
$sCountries = $oParams->getStringList('countrycodes');
$aCountries[] = strtolower($sCountryCode);
- if (isset($aCountries))
+ if (isset($aCountries)) {
$this->aCountryCodes = $aCountries;
+ }
$aViewbox = $oParams->getStringList('viewboxlbrt');
public function loadStructuredAddressElement($sValue, $sKey, $iNewMinAddressRank, $iNewMaxAddressRank, $aItemListValues)
$sValue = trim($sValue);
- if (!$sValue) return false;
+ if (!$sValue) {
+ return false;
+ }
$this->aStructuredQuery[$sKey] = $sValue;
if ($this->iMinAddressRank == 0 && $this->iMaxAddressRank == 30) {
$this->iMinAddressRank = $iNewMinAddressRank;
$this->iMaxAddressRank = $iNewMaxAddressRank;
- if ($aItemListValues) $this->aAddressRankList = array_merge($this->aAddressRankList, $aItemListValues);
+ if ($aItemListValues) {
+ $this->aAddressRankList = array_merge($this->aAddressRankList, $aItemListValues);
+ }
return true;
public function fallbackStructuredQuery()
- if (!$this->aStructuredQuery) return false;
$aParams = $this->aStructuredQuery;
- if (count($aParams) == 1) return false;
+ if (!$aParams || count($aParams) == 1) {
+ return false;
+ }
$aOrderToFallback = array('postalcode', 'street', 'city', 'county', 'state');
// Add all words from this wordset
foreach ($aWordset as $iToken => $sToken) {
- //echo "<br><b>$sToken</b>";
$aNewWordsetSearches = array();
foreach ($aWordsetSearches as $oCurrentSearch) {
- //echo "<i>";
- //var_dump($oCurrentSearch);
- //echo "</i>";
- // Tokens with full name matches.
- foreach ($oValidTokens->get(' '.$sToken) as $oSearchTerm) {
- $aNewSearches = $oCurrentSearch->extendWithFullTerm(
+ foreach ($oValidTokens->get($sToken) as $oSearchTerm) {
+ $aNewSearches = $oCurrentSearch->extendWithSearchTerm(
+ $sToken,
- $oValidTokens->contains($sToken)
- && strpos($sToken, ' ') === false,
$iToken == 0 && $iPhrase == 0,
- $iPhrase == 0,
$iToken + 1 == count($aWordset)
- && $iPhrase + 1 == count($aPhrases)
+ && $iPhrase + 1 == count($aPhrases),
+ $iPhrase
foreach ($aNewSearches as $oSearch) {
- // Look for partial matches.
- // Note that there is no point in adding country terms here
- // because country is omitted in the address.
- if ($sPhraseType != 'country') {
- // Allow searching for a word - but at extra cost
- foreach ($oValidTokens->get($sToken) as $oSearchTerm) {
- $aNewSearches = $oCurrentSearch->extendWithPartialTerm(
- $sToken,
- $oSearchTerm,
- (bool) $sPhraseType,
- $iPhrase,
- $oValidTokens->get(' '.$sToken)
- );
- foreach ($aNewSearches as $oSearch) {
- if ($oSearch->getRank() < $this->iMaxRank) {
- $aNewWordsetSearches[] = $oSearch;
- }
- }
- }
- }
// Sort and cut
usort($aNewWordsetSearches, array('Nominatim\SearchDescription', 'bySearchRank'));
$aWordsetSearches = array_slice($aNewWordsetSearches, 0, 50);
- //var_Dump('<hr>',count($aWordsetSearches)); exit;
$aNewPhraseSearches = array_merge($aNewPhraseSearches, $aNewWordsetSearches);
usort($aNewPhraseSearches, array('Nominatim\SearchDescription', 'bySearchRank'));
$aSearchHash = array();
foreach ($aNewPhraseSearches as $iSearch => $aSearch) {
$sHash = serialize($aSearch);
- if (isset($aSearchHash[$sHash])) unset($aNewPhraseSearches[$iSearch]);
- else $aSearchHash[$sHash] = 1;
+ if (isset($aSearchHash[$sHash])) {
+ unset($aNewPhraseSearches[$iSearch]);
+ } else {
+ $aSearchHash[$sHash] = 1;
+ }
$aNewPhraseSearches = array_slice($aNewPhraseSearches, 0, 50);
$iSearchCount = 0;
$aSearches = array();
- foreach ($aGroupedSearches as $iScore => $aNewSearches) {
+ foreach ($aGroupedSearches as $aNewSearches) {
$iSearchCount += count($aNewSearches);
$aSearches = array_merge($aSearches, $aNewSearches);
- if ($iSearchCount > 50) break;
+ if ($iSearchCount > 50) {
+ break;
+ }
public function lookup()
- if (!$this->sQuery && !$this->aStructuredQuery) return array();
+ if (!$this->sQuery && !$this->aStructuredQuery) {
+ return array();
+ }
Debug::printDebugArray('Geocode', $this);
Debug::newSection('Query Preprocessing');
- $sLanguagePrefArraySQL = $this->oDB->getArraySQL(
- $this->oDB->getDBQuotedList($this->aLangPrefOrder)
- );
$sQuery = $this->sQuery;
if (!preg_match('//u', $sQuery)) {
userError('Query string is not UTF-8 encoded.');
$aGroupedSearches = array();
foreach ($aSearches as $aSearch) {
if ($aSearch->getRank() < $this->iMaxRank) {
- if (!isset($aGroupedSearches[$aSearch->getRank()])) $aGroupedSearches[$aSearch->getRank()] = array();
+ if (!isset($aGroupedSearches[$aSearch->getRank()])) {
+ $aGroupedSearches[$aSearch->getRank()] = array();
+ }
$aGroupedSearches[$aSearch->getRank()][] = $aSearch;
$sHash = serialize($aSearch);
if (isset($aSearchHash[$sHash])) {
- if (empty($aGroupedSearches[$iGroup])) unset($aGroupedSearches[$iGroup]);
+ if (empty($aGroupedSearches[$iGroup])) {
+ unset($aGroupedSearches[$iGroup]);
+ }
} else {
$aSearchHash[$sHash] = 1;
- if ($iQueryLoop > 20) break;
+ if ($iQueryLoop > 20) {
+ break;
+ }
if (!empty($aResults)) {
$aResults = $tempIDs;
- if (!empty($aResults)) break;
- if ($iGroupLoop > 4) break;
- if ($iQueryLoop > 30) break;
+ if (!empty($aResults) || $iGroupLoop > 4 || $iQueryLoop > 30) {
+ break;
+ }
} else {
// Just interpret as a reverse geocode
// No results? Done
if (empty($aResults)) {
- if ($this->bFallback) {
- if ($this->fallbackStructuredQuery()) {
- return $this->lookup();
- }
+ if ($this->bFallback && $this->fallbackStructuredQuery()) {
+ return $this->lookup();
return array();
$aRecheckWords = preg_split('/\b[\s,\\-]*/u', $sQuery);
foreach ($aRecheckWords as $i => $sWord) {
- if (!preg_match('/[\pL\pN]/', $sWord)) unset($aRecheckWords[$i]);
+ if (!preg_match('/[\pL\pN]/', $sWord)) {
+ unset($aRecheckWords[$i]);
+ }
Debug::printVar('Recheck words', $aRecheckWords);
foreach ($aRecheckWords as $i => $sWord) {
if (stripos($sAddress, $sWord)!==false) {
- if (preg_match('/(^|,)\s*'.preg_quote($sWord, '/').'\s*(,|$)/', $sAddress)) $iCountWords += 0.1;
+ if (preg_match('/(^|,)\s*'.preg_quote($sWord, '/').'\s*(,|$)/', $sAddress)) {
+ $iCountWords += 0.1;
+ }
$aToFilter = $aSearchResults;
$aSearchResults = array();
- $bFirst = true;
foreach ($aToFilter as $aResult) {
$this->aExcludePlaceIDs[$aResult['place_id']] = $aResult['place_id'];
- if ($bFirst) {
- $fLat = $aResult['lat'];
- $fLon = $aResult['lon'];
- if (isset($aResult['zoom'])) $iZoom = $aResult['zoom'];
- $bFirst = false;
- }
if (!$this->oPlaceLookup->doDeDupe() || (!isset($aOSMIDDone[$aResult['osm_type'].$aResult['osm_id']])
&& !isset($aClassTypeNameDone[$aResult['osm_type'].$aResult['class'].$aResult['type'].$aResult['name'].$aResult['admin_level']]))
) {
// Absolute limit on number of results
- if (count($aSearchResults) >= $this->iFinalLimit) break;
+ if (count($aSearchResults) >= $this->iFinalLimit) {
+ break;
+ }
Debug::printVar('Post-filter results', $aSearchResults);