+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only
+ *
+ * This file is part of Nominatim. (https://nominatim.org)
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2022 by the Nominatim developer community.
+ * For a full list of authors see the git log.
+ */
namespace Nominatim;
$sChildHnr .= ' AND housenumber ~* E'.$sHouseNumberRegex;
// Interpolations on streets and places.
if (preg_match('/^[0-9]+$/', $this->sHouseNumber)) {
- $sIpolHnr = 'SELECT * FROM location_property_osmline ';
- $sIpolHnr .= 'WHERE parent_place_id = search_name.place_id ';
+ $sIpolHnr = 'WHERE parent_place_id = search_name.place_id ';
$sIpolHnr .= ' AND startnumber is not NULL';
$sIpolHnr .= ' AND '.$this->sHouseNumber.'>=startnumber ';
$sIpolHnr .= ' AND '.$this->sHouseNumber.'<=endnumber ';
$sSql = '(CASE WHEN address_rank = 30 THEN EXISTS('.$sSelfHnr.') ';
$sSql .= ' ELSE EXISTS('.$sChildHnr.') ';
if ($sIpolHnr) {
- $sSql .= 'OR EXISTS('.$sIpolHnr.') ';
+ $sSql .= 'OR EXISTS(SELECT * FROM location_property_osmline '.$sIpolHnr.') ';
+ if (CONST_Use_US_Tiger_Data) {
+ $sSql .= "OR (country_code = 'us' AND ";
+ $sSql .= ' EXISTS(SELECT * FROM location_property_tiger '.$sIpolHnr.')) ';
+ }
$sSql .= 'END) DESC';
// if nothing found, search in the interpolation line table
$sSQL = 'SELECT distinct place_id FROM location_property_osmline';
$sSQL .= ' WHERE startnumber is not NULL';
- $sSQL .= ' AND parent_place_id in ('.$sRoadPlaceIDs.') AND (';
- if ($iHousenumber % 2 == 0) {
- // If housenumber is even, look for housenumber in streets
- // with interpolationtype even or all.
- $sSQL .= "interpolationtype='even'";
- } else {
- // Else look for housenumber with interpolationtype odd or all.
- $sSQL .= "interpolationtype='odd'";
- }
- $sSQL .= " or interpolationtype='all') and ";
- $sSQL .= $iHousenumber.'>=startnumber and ';
- $sSQL .= $iHousenumber.'<=endnumber';
+ $sSQL .= ' and parent_place_id in ('.$sRoadPlaceIDs.')';
+ $sSQL .= ' and ('.$iHousenumber.' - startnumber) % step = 0';
+ $sSQL .= ' and '.$iHousenumber.' between startnumber and endnumber';
$sSQL .= $this->oContext->excludeSQL(' AND place_id');