-site_name: Nominatim Documentation
-theme: readthedocs
+site_name: Nominatim Manual
+ name: material
+ features:
+ - navigation.tabs
+copyright: Copyright © Nominatim developer community
-site_url: http://nominatim.org
+site_url: https://nominatim.org
repo_url: https://github.com/openstreetmap/Nominatim
- 'Introduction' : 'index.md'
- 'API Reference':
- 'Overview': 'api/Overview.md'
- 'Reverse': 'api/Reverse.md'
- 'Address Lookup': 'api/Lookup.md'
- 'Details' : 'api/Details.md'
+ - 'Status' : 'api/Status.md'
- 'Place Output Formats': 'api/Output.md'
- 'FAQ': 'api/Faq.md'
- 'Administration Guide':
- 'Basic Installation': 'admin/Installation.md'
- - 'Importing and Updating' : 'admin/Import-and-Update.md'
+ - 'Import' : 'admin/Import.md'
+ - 'Update' : 'admin/Update.md'
+ - 'Deploy (Python frontend)' : 'admin/Deployment-Python.md'
+ - 'Deploy (PHP frontend)' : 'admin/Deployment-PHP.md'
+ - 'Nominatim UI' : 'admin/Setup-Nominatim-UI.md'
+ - 'Advanced Installations' : 'admin/Advanced-Installations.md'
+ - 'Maintenance' : 'admin/Maintenance.md'
- 'Migration from older Versions' : 'admin/Migration.md'
- 'Troubleshooting' : 'admin/Faq.md'
+ - 'Customization Guide':
+ - 'Overview': 'customize/Overview.md'
+ - 'Import Styles': 'customize/Import-Styles.md'
+ - 'Configuration Settings': 'customize/Settings.md'
+ - 'Per-Country Data': 'customize/Country-Settings.md'
+ - 'Place Ranking' : 'customize/Ranking.md'
+ - 'Importance' : 'customize/Importance.md'
+ - 'Tokenizers' : 'customize/Tokenizers.md'
+ - 'Special Phrases': 'customize/Special-Phrases.md'
+ - 'External data: US housenumbers from TIGER': 'customize/Tiger.md'
+ - 'External data: Postcodes': 'customize/Postcodes.md'
+ - 'Conversion to SQLite': 'customize/SQLite.md'
+ - 'Library Guide':
+ - 'Getting Started': 'library/Getting-Started.md'
+ - 'Nominatim API class': 'library/NominatimAPI.md'
+ - 'Configuration': 'library/Configuration.md'
+ - 'Input Parameter Types': 'library/Input-Parameter-Types.md'
+ - 'Result Handling': 'library/Result-Handling.md'
+ - 'Low-level DB Access': 'library/Low-Level-DB-Access.md'
- 'Developers Guide':
- - 'Overview' : 'develop/overview.md'
- - 'External Data Sources':
- - 'Overview' : 'data-sources/overview.md'
- - 'US Census (Tiger)': 'data-sources/US-Tiger.md'
- - 'Country Grid': 'data-sources/Country-Grid.md'
+ - 'Architecture Overview' : 'develop/overview.md'
+ - 'Database Layout' : 'develop/Database-Layout.md'
+ - 'Indexing' : 'develop/Indexing.md'
+ - 'Tokenizers' : 'develop/Tokenizers.md'
+ - 'Custom modules for ICU tokenizer': 'develop/ICU-Tokenizer-Modules.md'
+ - 'Setup for Development' : 'develop/Development-Environment.md'
+ - 'Testing' : 'develop/Testing.md'
+ - 'External Data Sources': 'develop/data-sources.md'
- 'Appendix':
- - 'Installation on CentOS 7' : 'appendix/Install-on-Centos-7.md'
- - 'Installation on Ubuntu 16' : 'appendix/Install-on-Ubuntu-16.md'
- - 'Installation on Ubuntu 18' : 'appendix/Install-on-Ubuntu-18.md'
+ - 'Installation on Ubuntu 20' : 'appendix/Install-on-Ubuntu-20.md'
+ - 'Installation on Ubuntu 22' : 'appendix/Install-on-Ubuntu-22.md'
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