map = new L.map('map', {
- attributionControl: false, // moved to page footer
+ attributionControl: (nominatim_map_init.tile_attribution && nominatim_map_init.tile_attribution.length),
scrollWheelZoom: !L.Browser.touch,
touchZoom: false
- L.tileLayer('http://{s}.tile.osm.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png', {
- noWrap: true // otherwise we end up with click coordinates like latitude -728
+ L.tileLayer(nominatim_map_init.tile_url, {
+ noWrap: true, // otherwise we end up with click coordinates like latitude -728
// moved to footer
- // attribution: '© <a href="http://osm.org/copyright">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors'
+ attribution: (nominatim_map_init.tile_attribution || null ) //'© <a href="http://osm.org/copyright">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors'
- if ( nominatim_map_init.lat ){
- map.setView([nominatim_map_init.lat || 0, nominatim_map_init.lon], nominatim_map_init.zoom);
+ map.setView([nominatim_map_init.lat, nominatim_map_init.lon], nominatim_map_init.zoom);
- if ( is_reverse_search ){
- // not really a market, but the .circle changes radius once you zoom in/out
- var cm = L.circleMarker([nominatim_map_init.lat,nominatim_map_init.lon], { radius: 5, weight: 2, fillColor: '#ff7800', color: 'red', opacity: 0.75, clickable: false});
- cm.addTo(map);
- }
- } else {
- map.setView([0,0],2);
+ if ( is_reverse_search ){
+ // We don't need a marker, but an L.circle instance changes radius once you zoom in/out
+ var cm = L.circleMarker([nominatim_map_init.lat,nominatim_map_init.lon], { radius: 5, weight: 2, fillColor: '#ff7800', color: 'red', opacity: 0.75, clickable: false});
+ cm.addTo(map);
map.getCenter().lat.toFixed(5) + ',' + map.getCenter().lng.toFixed(5) +
" <a target='_blank' href='" + map_link_to_osm() + "'>view on osm.org</a>";
+ html_zoom = "map zoom: " + map.getZoom();
html_viewbox = "viewbox: " + map_viewbox_as_string();
- $('#map-position').html([html_center,html_viewbox,html_click,html_mouse].join('<br/>'));
+ $('#map-position').html([html_center,html_zoom,html_viewbox,html_click,html_mouse].join('<br/>'));
var bounds = [[result.aBoundingBox[0]*1,result.aBoundingBox[2]*1], [result.aBoundingBox[1]*1,result.aBoundingBox[3]*1]];
- if (result.astext && result.astext.match(/POLY/) ){
- var layer = omnivore.wkt.parse(result.astext);
- layerGroup.addLayer(layer);
+ if (result.astext && result.astext.match(/(POLY)|(LINE)/) ){
+ var geojson_layer = L.geoJson(null, {
+ // http://leafletjs.com/reference.html#geojson-style
+ style: function(feature) { return { clickable: false, color: 'blue' }; }
+ });
+ omnivore.wkt.parse(result.astext,null,geojson_layer);
+ layerGroup.addLayer(geojson_layer);
else {
// var layer = L.rectangle(bounds, {color: "#ff7800", weight: 1} );
else {
if ( is_reverse_search ){
// make sure the search coordinates are in the map view as well
- map.fitBounds([[result.lat,result.lon], [nominatim_map_init.lat,nominatim_map_init.lon]], {padding: [50,50]});
+ map.fitBounds([[result.lat,result.lon], [nominatim_map_init.lat,nominatim_map_init.lon]], {padding: [50,50], maxZoom: map.getZoom()});
// better, but causes a leaflet warning
// map.panInsideBounds([[result.lat,result.lon], [nominatim_map_init.lat,nominatim_map_init.lon]], {animate: false});
map = new L.map('map', {
// center: [nominatim_map_init.lat, nominatim_map_init.lon],
// zoom: nominatim_map_init.zoom,
- attributionControl: false,
+ attributionControl: (nominatim_map_init.tile_attribution && nominatim_map_init.tile_attribution.length),
scrollWheelZoom: false,
touchZoom: false,
- L.tileLayer('http://{s}.tile.osm.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png', {
+ L.tileLayer(nominatim_map_init.tile_url, {
// moved to footer
- // attribution: '© <a href="http://osm.org/copyright">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors'
+ attribution: (nominatim_map_init.tile_attribution || null ) //'© <a href="http://osm.org/copyright">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors'
var layerGroup = new L.layerGroup().addTo(map);
var circle = L.circleMarker([nominatim_result.lat,nominatim_result.lon], { radius: 10, weight: 2, fillColor: '#ff7800', color: 'blue', opacity: 0.75});
if ( nominatim_result.outlinestring ){
- var outline = omnivore.wkt.parse(nominatim_result.outlinestring);
- map.addLayer(outline);
- map.fitBounds(outline.getBounds());
+ var geojson_layer = L.geoJson(null, {
+ // http://leafletjs.com/reference.html#geojson-style
+ style: function(feature) { return { clickable: false, color: 'blue' }; }
+ });
+ omnivore.wkt.parse(nominatim_result.outlinestring,null,geojson_layer);
+ layerGroup.addLayer(geojson_layer);
+ map.fitBounds(geojson_layer.getBounds());
} else {