+class UpdateState(Enum):
+ """ Possible states after an update has run.
+ """
+ UP_TO_DATE = 0
+def update(conn, options):
+ """ Update database from the next batch of data. Returns the state of
+ updates according to `UpdateState`.
+ """
+ startdate, startseq, indexed = status.get_status(conn)
+ if startseq is None:
+ LOG.error("Replication not set up. "
+ "Please run 'nominatim replication --init' first.")
+ raise RuntimeError("Replication not set up.")
+ if not indexed and options['indexed_only']:
+ LOG.info("Skipping update. There is data that needs indexing.")
+ return UpdateState.MORE_PENDING
+ last_since_update = dt.datetime.now(dt.timezone.utc) - startdate
+ update_interval = dt.timedelta(seconds=options['update_interval'])
+ if last_since_update < update_interval:
+ duration = (update_interval - last_since_update).seconds
+ LOG.warning("Sleeping for %s sec before next update.", duration)
+ time.sleep(duration)
+ if options['import_file'].exists():
+ options['import_file'].unlink()
+ # Read updates into file.
+ repl = ReplicationServer(options['base_url'])
+ outhandler = WriteHandler(str(options['import_file']))
+ endseq = repl.apply_diffs(outhandler, startseq,
+ max_size=options['max_diff_size'] * 1024)
+ outhandler.close()
+ if endseq is None:
+ return UpdateState.NO_CHANGES
+ # Consume updates with osm2pgsql.
+ options['append'] = True
+ run_osm2pgsql(options)
+ # Write the current status to the file
+ endstate = repl.get_state_info(endseq)
+ status.set_status(conn, endstate.timestamp, seq=endseq, indexed=False)
+ return UpdateState.UP_TO_DATE