+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only
+ *
+ * This file is part of Nominatim. (https://nominatim.org)
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2022 by the Nominatim developer community.
+ * For a full list of authors see the git log.
+ */
function loadSettings($sProjectDir)
// Temporary hack to set the direcory via environment instead of
// the installed scripts. Neither setting is part of the official
// set of settings.
- defined('CONST_DataDir') or define('CONST_DataDir', $_SERVER['NOMINATIM_DATADIR']);
- defined('CONST_SqlDir') or define('CONST_SqlDir', $_SERVER['NOMINATIM_SQLDIR']);
defined('CONST_ConfigDir') or define('CONST_ConfigDir', $_SERVER['NOMINATIM_CONFIGDIR']);
- defined('CONST_Default_ModulePath') or define('CONST_Default_ModulePath', $_SERVER['NOMINATIM_DATABASE_MODULE_SRC_PATH']);
function getSetting($sConfName, $sDefault = null)
|| strcmp($sVal, '1') == 0;
-function getSettingConfig($sConfName, $sSystemConfig)
- $sValue = $_SERVER['NOMINATIM_'.$sConfName];
- if (!$sValue) {
- return CONST_ConfigDir.'/'.$sSystemConfig;
- }
- return $sValue;
function fail($sError, $sUserError = false)
- if (!$sUserError) $sUserError = $sError;
+ if (!$sUserError) {
+ $sUserError = $sError;
+ }
error_log('ERROR: '.$sError);
- var_dump($sUserError)."\n";
+ var_dump($sUserError);
+ echo "\n";
function byImportance($a, $b)
- if ($a['importance'] != $b['importance'])
+ if ($a['importance'] != $b['importance']) {
return ($a['importance'] > $b['importance']?-1:1);
+ }
return $a['foundorder'] <=> $b['foundorder'];
return "'".$s."'";
-function fwriteConstDef($rFile, $sConstName, $value)
- $sEscapedValue;
- if (is_bool($value)) {
- $sEscapedValue = $value ? 'true' : 'false';
- } elseif (is_numeric($value)) {
- $sEscapedValue = strval($value);
- } elseif (!$value) {
- $sEscapedValue = 'false';
- } else {
- $sEscapedValue = addQuotes(str_replace("'", "\\'", (string)$value));
- }
- fwrite($rFile, "@define('CONST_$sConstName', $sEscapedValue);\n");
function parseLatLon($sQuery)
$sFound = null;
return array($sFound, $fQueryLat, $fQueryLon);
-function createPointsAroundCenter($fLon, $fLat, $fRadius)
- $iSteps = max(8, min(100, ($fRadius * 40000)^2));
- $fStepSize = (2*pi())/$iSteps;
- $aPolyPoints = array();
- for ($f = 0; $f < 2*pi(); $f += $fStepSize) {
- $aPolyPoints[] = array('', $fLon+($fRadius*sin($f)), $fLat+($fRadius*cos($f)) );
- }
- return $aPolyPoints;
function closestHouseNumber($aRow)
$fHouse = $aRow['startnumber']
return max(min($aRow['endnumber'], $iHn), $aRow['startnumber']);
-function getSearchRankLabel($iRank)
- if (!isset($iRank)) return 'unknown';
- if ($iRank < 2) return 'continent';
- if ($iRank < 4) return 'sea';
- if ($iRank < 8) return 'country';
- if ($iRank < 12) return 'state';
- if ($iRank < 16) return 'county';
- if ($iRank == 16) return 'city';
- if ($iRank == 17) return 'town / island';
- if ($iRank == 18) return 'village / hamlet';
- if ($iRank == 20) return 'suburb';
- if ($iRank == 21) return 'postcode area';
- if ($iRank == 22) return 'croft / farm / locality / islet';
- if ($iRank == 23) return 'postcode area';
- if ($iRank == 25) return 'postcode point';
- if ($iRank == 26) return 'street / major landmark';
- if ($iRank == 27) return 'minory street / path';
- if ($iRank == 28) return 'house / building';
- return 'other: ' . $iRank;
+if (!function_exists('array_key_last')) {
+ function array_key_last(array $array)
+ {
+ if (!empty($array)) {
+ return key(array_slice($array, -1, 1, true));
+ }
+ }