- if (CONST_Search_AreaPolygons) {
- // Get the bounding box and outline polygon
- $sSQL = "select place_id,0 as numfeatures,st_area(geometry) as area,";
- $sSQL .= "ST_Y(centroid) as centrelat,ST_X(centroid) as centrelon,";
- $sSQL .= "ST_YMin(geometry) as minlat,ST_YMax(geometry) as maxlat,";
- $sSQL .= "ST_XMin(geometry) as minlon,ST_XMax(geometry) as maxlon";
- if ($this->bIncludePolygonAsGeoJSON) $sSQL .= ",ST_AsGeoJSON(geometry) as asgeojson";
- if ($this->bIncludePolygonAsKML) $sSQL .= ",ST_AsKML(geometry) as askml";
- if ($this->bIncludePolygonAsSVG) $sSQL .= ",ST_AsSVG(geometry) as assvg";
- if ($this->bIncludePolygonAsText || $this->bIncludePolygonAsPoints) $sSQL .= ",ST_AsText(geometry) as astext";
- $sFrom = " from placex where place_id = ".$iPlaceID;
- if ($this->fPolygonSimplificationThreshold > 0) {
- $sSQL .= " from (select place_id,centroid,ST_SimplifyPreserveTopology(geometry,".$this->fPolygonSimplificationThreshold.") as geometry".$sFrom.") as plx";
- } else {
- $sSQL .= $sFrom;
- }
- $aPointPolygon = chksql($this->oDB->getRow($sSQL), "Could not get outline");
- if ($aPointPolygon['place_id']) {
- if ($aPointPolygon['centrelon'] !== null && $aPointPolygon['centrelat'] !== null) {
- $aOutlineResult['lat'] = $aPointPolygon['centrelat'];
- $aOutlineResult['lon'] = $aPointPolygon['centrelon'];
- }
+ // Get the bounding box and outline polygon
+ $sSQL = 'select place_id,0 as numfeatures,st_area(geometry) as area,';
+ if ($fLonReverse != null && $fLatReverse != null) {
+ $sSQL .= ' ST_Y(closest_point) as centrelat,';
+ $sSQL .= ' ST_X(closest_point) as centrelon,';
+ } else {
+ $sSQL .= ' ST_Y(centroid) as centrelat, ST_X(centroid) as centrelon,';
+ }
+ $sSQL .= ' ST_YMin(geometry) as minlat,ST_YMax(geometry) as maxlat,';
+ $sSQL .= ' ST_XMin(geometry) as minlon,ST_XMax(geometry) as maxlon';
+ if ($this->bIncludePolygonAsGeoJSON) $sSQL .= ',ST_AsGeoJSON(geometry) as asgeojson';
+ if ($this->bIncludePolygonAsKML) $sSQL .= ',ST_AsKML(geometry) as askml';
+ if ($this->bIncludePolygonAsSVG) $sSQL .= ',ST_AsSVG(geometry) as assvg';
+ if ($this->bIncludePolygonAsText) $sSQL .= ',ST_AsText(geometry) as astext';
+ if ($fLonReverse != null && $fLatReverse != null) {
+ $sFrom = ' from (SELECT * , CASE WHEN (class = \'highway\') AND (ST_GeometryType(geometry) = \'ST_LineString\') THEN ';
+ $sFrom .=' ST_ClosestPoint(geometry, ST_SetSRID(ST_Point('.$fLatReverse.','.$fLonReverse.'),4326))';
+ $sFrom .=' ELSE centroid END AS closest_point';
+ $sFrom .= ' from placex where place_id = '.$iPlaceID.') as plx';
+ } else {
+ $sFrom = ' from placex where place_id = '.$iPlaceID;
+ }
+ if ($this->fPolygonSimplificationThreshold > 0) {
+ $sSQL .= ' from (select place_id,centroid,ST_SimplifyPreserveTopology(geometry,'.$this->fPolygonSimplificationThreshold.') as geometry'.$sFrom.') as plx';
+ } else {
+ $sSQL .= $sFrom;
+ }