There are no built-in defaults for the tag lists, so all the functions
need to be called from your style script to fully process the data.
Make sure you start from one of the default style and only modify
- the data you are interested in.
+ the data you are interested in. You can also derive your style from an
+ existing style by importing the appropriate module, e.g.
+ `local flex = require('import-street')`.
Many of the following functions take _key match lists_. These lists can
contain three kinds of strings to match against tag keys:
!!! example
``` lua
+ local flex = require('import-full')
- boundary = {'administrative' = named},
- highway = {'always', street_lamp = 'named'}
- landuse = 'fallback',
+ boundary = {administrative = 'named'},
+ highway = {'always', street_lamp = 'named'},
+ landuse = 'fallback'
!!! example
``` lua
+ local flex = require('import-full')
delete_keys = {'source', 'source:*'},
- extra_tags = {'amenity' = {'yes', 'no'}
+ extra_tags = {amenity = {'yes', 'no'}}
amenity = 'always'
!!! example
``` lua
- flex.set_main_tags{'highway' = {'traffic_light' = 'named'}}
+ local flex = require('flex-base')
+ flex.set_main_tags{highway = {traffic_light = 'named'}}
flex.set_name_tags{main = {'name', 'name:*'},
extra = {'ref'}
!!! example
``` lua
+ local flex = require('import-full')
main = {'addr:housenumber'},
extra = {'addr:*'},
!!! example
``` lua
+ local flex = require('import-full')
main = {'addr:housenumber'},
extra = {'addr:*', 'tiger:county'}
!!! Example
``` lua
+ local flex = require('import-full')
flex.RELATION_TYPES['site'] = flex.relation_as_multipolygon
!!! Example
``` lua
+ local flex = require('import-full')
function osm2pgsql.process_relation(object)
if object.tags.boundary ~= 'administrative' or object.tags.admin_level ~= '2' then
!!! Example
``` lua
+ local flex = require('import-full')
local original_process_tags = flex.process_tags
function flex.process_tags(o)