-Nominatim merges some places (e.g. center node of a city with the boundary
-relation) so `osm_type`+`osm_id`+`class_name` would be more unique.
+If you need an ID that is consistent over multiple installations of Nominatim,
+then you should use the combination of `osm_type`+`osm_id`+`class`.
+### OSM reference
+Nominatim may sometimes return special objects that do not correspond directly
+to an object in OpenStreetMap. These are:
+* **Postcodes**. Nominatim returns an postcode point created from all mapped
+ postcodes of the same name. The class and type of these object is `place=postcdode`.
+ No `osm_type` and `osm_id` are included in the result.
+* **Housenumber interpolations**. Nominatim returns a single interpolated
+ housenumber from the interpolation way. The class and type are `place=house`
+ and `osm_type` and `osm_id` correspond to the interpolation way in OSM.
+* **TIGER housenumber.** Nominatim returns a single interpolated housenumber
+ from the TIGER data. The class and type are `place=house`
+ and `osm_type` and `osm_id` correspond to the street mentioned in the result.
+Please note that the `osm_type` and `osm_id` returned may be changed in the
+future. You should not expect to only find `node`, `way` and `relation` for
+the type.