- 'place:airport' => array('label' => 'Airport', 'frequency' => 36, 'icon' => 'transport_airport2', 'defdiameter' => 0.03),
- 'aeroway:aerodrome' => array('label' => 'Aerodrome', 'frequency' => 36, 'icon' => 'transport_airport2', 'defdiameter' => 0.03),
- 'aeroway' => array('label' => 'Aeroway', 'frequency' => 36, 'icon' => 'transport_airport2', 'defdiameter' => 0.03),
- 'railway:station' => array('label' => 'Station', 'frequency' => 3431, 'icon' => 'transport_train_station2', 'defdiameter' => 0.01),
- 'amenity:place_of_worship' => array('label' => 'Place Of Worship', 'frequency' => 9049, 'icon' => 'place_of_worship_unknown3'),
- 'amenity:pub' => array('label' => 'Pub', 'frequency' => 18969, 'icon' => 'food_pub'),
- 'amenity:bar' => array('label' => 'Bar', 'frequency' => 164, 'icon' => 'food_bar'),
- 'amenity:university' => array('label' => 'University', 'frequency' => 607, 'icon' => 'education_university'),
- 'tourism:museum' => array('label' => 'Museum', 'frequency' => 543, 'icon' => 'tourist_museum'),
- 'amenity:arts_centre' => array('label' => 'Arts Centre', 'frequency' => 136, 'icon' => 'tourist_art_gallery2'),
- 'tourism:zoo' => array('label' => 'Zoo', 'frequency' => 47, 'icon' => 'tourist_zoo'),
- 'tourism:theme_park' => array('label' => 'Theme Park', 'frequency' => 24, 'icon' => 'poi_point_of_interest'),
- 'tourism:attraction' => array('label' => 'Attraction', 'frequency' => 1463, 'icon' => 'poi_point_of_interest'),
- 'leisure:golf_course' => array('label' => 'Golf Course', 'frequency' => 712, 'icon' => 'sport_golf'),
- 'historic:castle' => array('label' => 'Castle', 'frequency' => 316, 'icon' => 'tourist_castle'),
- 'amenity:hospital' => array('label' => 'Hospital', 'frequency' => 879, 'icon' => 'health_hospital'),
- 'amenity:school' => array('label' => 'School', 'frequency' => 8192, 'icon' => 'education_school'),
- 'amenity:theatre' => array('label' => 'Theatre', 'frequency' => 371, 'icon' => 'tourist_theatre'),
- 'amenity:public_building' => array('label' => 'Public Building', 'frequency' => 985),
- 'amenity:library' => array('label' => 'Library', 'frequency' => 794, 'icon' => 'amenity_library'),
- 'amenity:townhall' => array('label' => 'Townhall', 'frequency' => 242),
- 'amenity:community_centre' => array('label' => 'Community Centre', 'frequency' => 157),
- 'amenity:fire_station' => array('label' => 'Fire Station', 'frequency' => 221, 'icon' => 'amenity_firestation3'),
- 'amenity:police' => array('label' => 'Police', 'frequency' => 334, 'icon' => 'amenity_police2'),
- 'amenity:bank' => array('label' => 'Bank', 'frequency' => 1248, 'icon' => 'money_bank2'),
- 'amenity:post_office' => array('label' => 'Post Office', 'frequency' => 859, 'icon' => 'amenity_post_office'),
- 'leisure:park' => array('label' => 'Park', 'frequency' => 2378),
- 'amenity:park' => array('label' => 'Park', 'frequency' => 53),
- 'landuse:park' => array('label' => 'Park', 'frequency' => 50),
- 'landuse:recreation_ground' => array('label' => 'Recreation Ground', 'frequency' => 517),
- 'tourism:hotel' => array('label' => 'Hotel', 'frequency' => 2150, 'icon' => 'accommodation_hotel2'),
- 'tourism:motel' => array('label' => 'Motel', 'frequency' => 43),
- 'amenity:cinema' => array('label' => 'Cinema', 'frequency' => 277, 'icon' => 'tourist_cinema'),
- 'tourism:artwork' => array('label' => 'Artwork', 'frequency' => 171, 'icon' => 'tourist_art_gallery2'),
- 'historic:archaeological_site' => array('label' => 'Archaeological Site', 'frequency' => 407, 'icon' => 'tourist_archaeological2'),
- 'amenity:doctors' => array('label' => 'Doctors', 'frequency' => 581, 'icon' => 'health_doctors'),
- 'leisure:sports_centre' => array('label' => 'Sports Centre', 'frequency' => 767, 'icon' => 'sport_leisure_centre'),
- 'leisure:swimming_pool' => array('label' => 'Swimming Pool', 'frequency' => 24, 'icon' => 'sport_swimming_outdoor'),
- 'shop:supermarket' => array('label' => 'Supermarket', 'frequency' => 2673, 'icon' => 'shopping_supermarket'),
- 'shop:convenience' => array('label' => 'Convenience', 'frequency' => 1469, 'icon' => 'shopping_convenience'),
- 'amenity:restaurant' => array('label' => 'Restaurant', 'frequency' => 3179, 'icon' => 'food_restaurant'),
- 'amenity:fast_food' => array('label' => 'Fast Food', 'frequency' => 2289, 'icon' => 'food_fastfood'),
- 'amenity:cafe' => array('label' => 'Cafe', 'frequency' => 1780, 'icon' => 'food_cafe'),
- 'tourism:guest_house' => array('label' => 'Guest House', 'frequency' => 223, 'icon' => 'accommodation_bed_and_breakfast'),
- 'amenity:pharmacy' => array('label' => 'Pharmacy', 'frequency' => 733, 'icon' => 'health_pharmacy_dispensing'),
- 'amenity:fuel' => array('label' => 'Fuel', 'frequency' => 1308, 'icon' => 'transport_fuel'),
- 'natural:peak' => array('label' => 'Peak', 'frequency' => 3212, 'icon' => 'poi_peak'),
- 'waterway:waterfall' => array('label' => 'Waterfall', 'frequency' => 24),
- 'natural:wood' => array('label' => 'Wood', 'frequency' => 1845, 'icon' => 'landuse_coniferous_and_deciduous'),
- 'natural:water' => array('label' => 'Water', 'frequency' => 1790),
- 'landuse:forest' => array('label' => 'Forest', 'frequency' => 467),
- 'landuse:cemetery' => array('label' => 'Cemetery', 'frequency' => 463),
- 'landuse:allotments' => array('label' => 'Allotments', 'frequency' => 408),
- 'landuse:farmyard' => array('label' => 'Farmyard', 'frequency' => 397),
- 'railway:rail' => array('label' => 'Rail', 'frequency' => 4894),
- 'waterway:canal' => array('label' => 'Canal', 'frequency' => 1723),
- 'waterway:river' => array('label' => 'River', 'frequency' => 4089),
- 'waterway:stream' => array('label' => 'Stream', 'frequency' => 2684),
- 'shop:bicycle' => array('label' => 'Bicycle', 'frequency' => 349, 'icon' => 'shopping_bicycle'),
- 'shop:clothes' => array('label' => 'Clothes', 'frequency' => 315, 'icon' => 'shopping_clothes'),
- 'shop:hairdresser' => array('label' => 'Hairdresser', 'frequency' => 312, 'icon' => 'shopping_hairdresser'),
- 'shop:doityourself' => array('label' => 'Doityourself', 'frequency' => 247, 'icon' => 'shopping_diy'),
- 'shop:estate_agent' => array('label' => 'Estate Agent', 'frequency' => 162, 'icon' => 'shopping_estateagent2'),
- 'shop:car' => array('label' => 'Car', 'frequency' => 159, 'icon' => 'shopping_car'),
- 'shop:garden_centre' => array('label' => 'Garden Centre', 'frequency' => 143, 'icon' => 'shopping_garden_centre'),
- 'shop:car_repair' => array('label' => 'Car Repair', 'frequency' => 141, 'icon' => 'shopping_car_repair'),
- 'shop:newsagent' => array('label' => 'Newsagent', 'frequency' => 132),
- 'shop:bakery' => array('label' => 'Bakery', 'frequency' => 129, 'icon' => 'shopping_bakery'),
- 'shop:furniture' => array('label' => 'Furniture', 'frequency' => 124),
- 'shop:butcher' => array('label' => 'Butcher', 'frequency' => 105, 'icon' => 'shopping_butcher'),
- 'shop:apparel' => array('label' => 'Apparel', 'frequency' => 98, 'icon' => 'shopping_clothes'),
- 'shop:electronics' => array('label' => 'Electronics', 'frequency' => 96),
- 'shop:department_store' => array('label' => 'Department Store', 'frequency' => 86),
- 'shop:books' => array('label' => 'Books', 'frequency' => 85),
- 'shop:yes' => array('label' => 'Shop', 'frequency' => 68),
- 'shop:outdoor' => array('label' => 'Outdoor', 'frequency' => 67),
- 'shop:mall' => array('label' => 'Mall', 'frequency' => 63),
- 'shop:florist' => array('label' => 'Florist', 'frequency' => 61),
- 'shop:charity' => array('label' => 'Charity', 'frequency' => 60),
- 'shop:hardware' => array('label' => 'Hardware', 'frequency' => 59),
- 'shop:laundry' => array('label' => 'Laundry', 'frequency' => 51, 'icon' => 'shopping_laundrette'),
- 'shop:shoes' => array('label' => 'Shoes', 'frequency' => 49),
- 'shop:beverages' => array('label' => 'Beverages', 'frequency' => 48, 'icon' => 'shopping_alcohol'),
- 'shop:dry_cleaning' => array('label' => 'Dry Cleaning', 'frequency' => 46),
- 'shop:carpet' => array('label' => 'Carpet', 'frequency' => 45),
- 'shop:computer' => array('label' => 'Computer', 'frequency' => 44),
- 'shop:alcohol' => array('label' => 'Alcohol', 'frequency' => 44, 'icon' => 'shopping_alcohol'),
- 'shop:optician' => array('label' => 'Optician', 'frequency' => 55, 'icon' => 'health_opticians'),
- 'shop:chemist' => array('label' => 'Chemist', 'frequency' => 42, 'icon' => 'health_pharmacy'),
- 'shop:gallery' => array('label' => 'Gallery', 'frequency' => 38, 'icon' => 'tourist_art_gallery2'),
- 'shop:mobile_phone' => array('label' => 'Mobile Phone', 'frequency' => 37),
- 'shop:sports' => array('label' => 'Sports', 'frequency' => 37),
- 'shop:jewelry' => array('label' => 'Jewelry', 'frequency' => 32, 'icon' => 'shopping_jewelry'),
- 'shop:pet' => array('label' => 'Pet', 'frequency' => 29),
- 'shop:beauty' => array('label' => 'Beauty', 'frequency' => 28),
- 'shop:stationery' => array('label' => 'Stationery', 'frequency' => 25),
- 'shop:shopping_centre' => array('label' => 'Shopping Centre', 'frequency' => 25),
- 'shop:general' => array('label' => 'General', 'frequency' => 25),
- 'shop:electrical' => array('label' => 'Electrical', 'frequency' => 25),
- 'shop:toys' => array('label' => 'Toys', 'frequency' => 23),
- 'shop:jeweller' => array('label' => 'Jeweller', 'frequency' => 23),
- 'shop:betting' => array('label' => 'Betting', 'frequency' => 23),
- 'shop:household' => array('label' => 'Household', 'frequency' => 21),
- 'shop:travel_agency' => array('label' => 'Travel Agency', 'frequency' => 21),
- 'shop:hifi' => array('label' => 'Hifi', 'frequency' => 21),
- 'amenity:shop' => array('label' => 'Shop', 'frequency' => 61),
- 'tourism:information' => array('label' => 'Information', 'frequency' => 224, 'icon' => 'amenity_information'),
+ * Get the icon to use with the given object.
+ */
+function getIcon($aPlace)
+ $aIcons = array(
+ 'boundary:administrative' => 'poi_boundary_administrative',
+ 'place:city' => 'poi_place_city',
+ 'place:town' => 'poi_place_town',
+ 'place:village' => 'poi_place_village',
+ 'place:hamlet' => 'poi_place_village',
+ 'place:suburb' => 'poi_place_village',
+ 'place:locality' => 'poi_place_village',
+ 'place:airport' => 'transport_airport2',
+ 'aeroway:aerodrome' => 'transport_airport2',
+ 'railway:station' => 'transport_train_station2',
+ 'amenity:place_of_worship' => 'place_of_worship_unknown3',
+ 'amenity:pub' => 'food_pub',
+ 'amenity:bar' => 'food_bar',
+ 'amenity:university' => 'education_university',
+ 'tourism:museum' => 'tourist_museum',
+ 'amenity:arts_centre' => 'tourist_art_gallery2',
+ 'tourism:zoo' => 'tourist_zoo',
+ 'tourism:theme_park' => 'poi_point_of_interest',
+ 'tourism:attraction' => 'poi_point_of_interest',
+ 'leisure:golf_course' => 'sport_golf',
+ 'historic:castle' => 'tourist_castle',
+ 'amenity:hospital' => 'health_hospital',
+ 'amenity:school' => 'education_school',
+ 'amenity:theatre' => 'tourist_theatre',
+ 'amenity:library' => 'amenity_library',
+ 'amenity:fire_station' => 'amenity_firestation3',
+ 'amenity:police' => 'amenity_police2',
+ 'amenity:bank' => 'money_bank2',
+ 'amenity:post_office' => 'amenity_post_office',
+ 'tourism:hotel' => 'accommodation_hotel2',
+ 'amenity:cinema' => 'tourist_cinema',
+ 'tourism:artwork' => 'tourist_art_gallery2',
+ 'historic:archaeological_site' => 'tourist_archaeological2',
+ 'amenity:doctors' => 'health_doctors',
+ 'leisure:sports_centre' => 'sport_leisure_centre',
+ 'leisure:swimming_pool' => 'sport_swimming_outdoor',
+ 'shop:supermarket' => 'shopping_supermarket',
+ 'shop:convenience' => 'shopping_convenience',
+ 'amenity:restaurant' => 'food_restaurant',
+ 'amenity:fast_food' => 'food_fastfood',
+ 'amenity:cafe' => 'food_cafe',
+ 'tourism:guest_house' => 'accommodation_bed_and_breakfast',
+ 'amenity:pharmacy' => 'health_pharmacy_dispensing',
+ 'amenity:fuel' => 'transport_fuel',
+ 'natural:peak' => 'poi_peak',
+ 'natural:wood' => 'landuse_coniferous_and_deciduous',
+ 'shop:bicycle' => 'shopping_bicycle',
+ 'shop:clothes' => 'shopping_clothes',
+ 'shop:hairdresser' => 'shopping_hairdresser',
+ 'shop:doityourself' => 'shopping_diy',
+ 'shop:estate_agent' => 'shopping_estateagent2',
+ 'shop:car' => 'shopping_car',
+ 'shop:garden_centre' => 'shopping_garden_centre',
+ 'shop:car_repair' => 'shopping_car_repair',
+ 'shop:bakery' => 'shopping_bakery',
+ 'shop:butcher' => 'shopping_butcher',
+ 'shop:apparel' => 'shopping_clothes',
+ 'shop:laundry' => 'shopping_laundrette',
+ 'shop:beverages' => 'shopping_alcohol',
+ 'shop:alcohol' => 'shopping_alcohol',
+ 'shop:optician' => 'health_opticians',
+ 'shop:chemist' => 'health_pharmacy',
+ 'shop:gallery' => 'tourist_art_gallery2',
+ 'shop:jewelry' => 'shopping_jewelry',
+ 'tourism:information' => 'amenity_information',
+ 'historic:ruins' => 'tourist_ruin',
+ 'amenity:college' => 'education_school',
+ 'historic:monument' => 'tourist_monument',
+ 'historic:memorial' => 'tourist_monument',
+ 'historic:mine' => 'poi_mine',
+ 'tourism:caravan_site' => 'accommodation_caravan_park',
+ 'amenity:bus_station' => 'transport_bus_station',
+ 'amenity:atm' => 'money_atm2',
+ 'tourism:viewpoint' => 'tourist_view_point',
+ 'tourism:guesthouse' => 'accommodation_bed_and_breakfast',
+ 'railway:tram' => 'transport_tram_stop',
+ 'amenity:courthouse' => 'amenity_court',
+ 'amenity:recycling' => 'amenity_recycling',
+ 'amenity:dentist' => 'health_dentist',
+ 'natural:beach' => 'tourist_beach',
+ 'railway:tram_stop' => 'transport_tram_stop',
+ 'amenity:prison' => 'amenity_prison',
+ 'highway:bus_stop' => 'transport_bus_stop2'
+ );