parent_place_id BIGINT,
startnumber INTEGER,
endnumber INTEGER,
+ step SMALLINT,
partition SMALLINT,
linegeo GEOMETRY,
- interpolationtype TEXT,
postcode TEXT);
GRANT SELECT ON location_property_tiger TO "{{config.DATABASE_WEBUSER}}";
indexed_date TIMESTAMP,
startnumber INTEGER,
endnumber INTEGER,
+ step SMALLINT,
partition SMALLINT,
indexed_status SMALLINT,
linegeo GEOMETRY,
- interpolationtype TEXT,
address HSTORE,
token_info JSONB, -- custom column for tokenizer use only
postcode TEXT,
-- Add one for lookup of associated street relations.
CREATE INDEX planet_osm_rels_parts_associated_idx ON planet_osm_rels USING gin(parts) WHERE tags @> ARRAY['associatedStreet'];
+-- Needed for lookups if a node is part of an interpolation.
+CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_place_interpolations
+ ON place USING gist(geometry) {{db.tablespace.address_index}}
+ WHERE osm_type = 'W' and address ? 'interpolation';
GRANT SELECT ON table country_osm_grid to "{{config.DATABASE_WEBUSER}}";