- -- if a node(=>house), which is part of a interpolation line, changes (e.g. the street attribute) => mark this line for reparenting
- -- (already here, because interpolation lines are reindexed before nodes, so in the second call it would be too late)
- -- needed for test case features/db/import: Scenario: addr:street added to housenumbers
- IF NEW.osm_type='N' and NEW.class='place' and NEW.type='house' THEN
- -- Is this node part of an interpolation line? search for it in location_property_osmline and mark the interpolation line for reparenting
- update location_property_osmline p set indexed_status = 2 from planet_osm_ways w where p.linegeo && NEW.geometry and p.osm_id = w.id and NEW.osm_id = any(w.nodes);