-- Indices used only during search and update.
-- These indices are created only after the indexing process is done.
-CREATE INDEX {{sql.if_index_not_exists}} idx_word_word_id
- ON word USING BTREE (word_id) {{db.tablespace.search_index}};
CREATE INDEX {{sql.if_index_not_exists}} idx_place_addressline_address_place_id
ON place_addressline USING BTREE (address_place_id) {{db.tablespace.search_index}};
AND rank_address between 4 and 25 AND type != 'postcode'
AND name is not null AND indexed_status = 0 AND linked_place_id is null;
-CREATE INDEX {{sql.if_index_not_exists}} idx_placex_geometry_reverse_placeNode
- ON placex USING gist (geometry) {{db.tablespace.search_index}}
- WHERE osm_type = 'N' AND rank_search between 5 and 25
- AND class = 'place' AND type != 'postcode'
- AND name is not null AND indexed_status = 0 AND linked_place_id is null;
CREATE INDEX {{sql.if_index_not_exists}} idx_osmline_parent_place_id
ON location_property_osmline USING BTREE (parent_place_id) {{db.tablespace.search_index}};