- IF ST_GeometryType(placegeom) in ('ST_Polygon','ST_MultiPolygon') THEN
- FOR geom IN select split_geometry(placegeom) FROM placex WHERE place_id = placeid LOOP
- update placex set indexed_status = 2 where (st_covers(geom, placex.geometry) OR ST_Intersects(geom, placex.geometry))
- AND rank_search > rank and indexed_status = 0 and ST_geometrytype(placex.geometry) = 'ST_Point' and (rank_search < 28 or name is not null or (rank >= 16 and address ? 'place'));
- update placex set indexed_status = 2 where (st_covers(geom, placex.geometry) OR ST_Intersects(geom, placex.geometry))
- AND rank_search > rank and indexed_status = 0 and ST_geometrytype(placex.geometry) != 'ST_Point' and (rank_search < 28 or name is not null or (rank >= 16 and address ? 'place'));
+ IF ST_GeometryType(placegeom) in ('ST_Polygon','ST_MultiPolygon')
+ AND rank > 0
+ FOR geom IN SELECT split_geometry(placegeom) LOOP
+ UPDATE placex SET indexed_status = 2
+ WHERE ST_Intersects(geom, placex.geometry)
+ and indexed_status = 0
+ and ((rank_address = 0 and rank_search > rank) or rank_address > rank)
+ and (rank_search < 28 or name is not null or (rank >= 16 and address ? 'place'));