if db_version_str is not None:
parts = db_version_str.split('.')
- db_version = tuple([int(x) for x in parts[:2] + parts[2].split('-')])
+ db_version = tuple(int(x) for x in parts[:2] + parts[2].split('-'))
if db_version == NOMINATIM_VERSION:
LOG.warning("Database already at latest version (%s)", db_version_str)
kwargs = dict(conn=conn, config=config, paths=paths)
+ conn.commit()
has_run_migration = True
if has_run_migration:
def decorator(func):
_MIGRATION_FUNCTIONS.append(((major, minor, patch, dbpatch), func))
+ return func
return decorator
The database schema switched from saving raw housenumbers in
placex.housenumber to saving transliterated ones.
+ Note: the function create_housenumber_id() has been dropped in later
+ versions.
with conn.cursor() as cur:
cur.execute("""CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION create_housenumber_id(housenumber TEXT)
SELECT array_to_string(array_agg(trans), ';')
INTO normtext
- FROM (SELECT lookup_word as trans, getorcreate_housenumber_id(lookup_word)
+ FROM (SELECT lookup_word as trans,
+ getorcreate_housenumber_id(lookup_word)
FROM (SELECT make_standard_name(h) as lookup_word
FROM regexp_split_to_table(housenumber, '[,;]') h) x) y;
return normtext;
WHERE table_name = %s
and column_name = 'token_info'""",
(table, ))
- if has_column == 0:
- cur.execute('ALTER TABLE {} ADD COLUMN token_info JSONB'.format(table))
+ if has_column == 0:
+ cur.execute('ALTER TABLE {} ADD COLUMN token_info JSONB'.format(table))
tokenizer = tokenizer_factory.create_tokenizer(config, init_db=False,
+@_migration(4, 0, 99, 0)
+def create_tiger_housenumber_index(conn, **_):
+ """ Create idx_location_property_tiger_parent_place_id with included
+ house number.
+ The inclusion is needed for efficient lookup of housenumbers in
+ full address searches.
+ """
+ if conn.server_version_tuple() >= (11, 0, 0):
+ with conn.cursor() as cur:
+ cur.execute(""" CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS
+ idx_location_property_tiger_housenumber_migrated
+ ON location_property_tiger
+ USING btree(parent_place_id)
+ INCLUDE (startnumber, endnumber) """)