| -45.3,; |
| gkjd,50 |
+ Scenario Outline: Zoom levels between 4 and 18 are allowed
+ When sending reverse coordinates 47.14122383,9.52169581334
+ | zoom |
+ | <zoom> |
+ Then exactly 1 result is returned
+ And result addresses contain
+ | country_code |
+ | li |
+ Examples:
+ | zoom |
+ | 4 |
+ | 5 |
+ | 6 |
+ | 7 |
+ | 8 |
+ | 9 |
+ | 10 |
+ | 11 |
+ | 12 |
+ | 13 |
+ | 14 |
+ | 15 |
+ | 16 |
+ | 17 |
+ | 18 |
+ Scenario: Non-numerical zoom levels return an error
+ When sending reverse coordinates 47.14122383,9.52169581334
+ | zoom |
+ | adfe |
+ Then a HTTP 400 is returned
Scenario Outline: Reverse Geocoding with extratags
When sending <format> reverse coordinates 47.1395013150811,9.522098077031046
| extratags |