// for place nodes at rank_address 16
$sSQL .= ' AND rank_search > '.$iRankSearch;
$sSQL .= ' AND rank_search <= '.$iMaxRank;
// for place nodes at rank_address 16
$sSQL .= ' AND rank_search > '.$iRankSearch;
$sSQL .= ' AND rank_search <= '.$iMaxRank;
$sSQL .= ' AND class = \'place\'';
$sSQL .= ' AND type != \'postcode\'';
$sSQL .= ' AND name IS NOT NULL ';
$sSQL .= ' AND class = \'place\'';
$sSQL .= ' AND type != \'postcode\'';
$sSQL .= ' AND name IS NOT NULL ';
// radius ?
$sSQL .= ' WHERE ST_DWithin('.$sPointSQL.', geometry, 0.001)';
$sSQL .= ' AND parent_place_id = '.$iPlaceID;
// radius ?
$sSQL .= ' WHERE ST_DWithin('.$sPointSQL.', geometry, 0.001)';
$sSQL .= ' AND parent_place_id = '.$iPlaceID;
$sSQL .= ' and ST_GeometryType(geometry) != \'ST_LineString\'';
$sSQL .= ' and (name is not null or housenumber is not null)';
$sSQL .= ' and class not in (\'boundary\')';
$sSQL .= ' and ST_GeometryType(geometry) != \'ST_LineString\'';
$sSQL .= ' and (name is not null or housenumber is not null)';
$sSQL .= ' and class not in (\'boundary\')';