# Now you can install all packages needed for Nominatim:
- sudo apt install -y php-cgi
sudo apt install -y build-essential cmake g++ libboost-dev libboost-system-dev \
libboost-filesystem-dev libexpat1-dev zlib1g-dev \
- libbz2-dev libpq-dev liblua5.3-dev lua5.3 \
- postgresql-server-dev-14 postgresql-14-postgis-3 \
+ libbz2-dev libpq-dev liblua5.3-dev lua5.3 lua-dkjson \
+ nlohmann-json3-dev postgresql-14-postgis-3 \
postgresql-contrib-14 postgresql-14-postgis-3-scripts \
php-cli php-pgsql php-intl libicu-dev python3-dotenv \
python3-psycopg2 python3-psutil python3-jinja2 \
python3-icu python3-datrie python3-sqlalchemy \
- python3-geoalchemy2 python3-asyncpg git
+ python3-asyncpg python3-yaml git
# System Configuration
# ---------------------
# Tune the postgresql configuration, which is located in
-# `/etc/postgresql/14/main/postgresql.conf`. See section *Postgres Tuning* in
-# [the installation page](../admin/Installation.md#postgresql-tuning)
+# `/etc/postgresql/14/main/postgresql.conf`. See section *Tuning the PostgreSQL database*
+# in [the installation page](../admin/Installation.md#tuning-the-postgresql-database)
# for the parameters to change.
# Restart the postgresql service after updating this config file.