$fLat = CONST_Default_Lat;
$fLon = CONST_Default_Lon;
$iZoom = CONST_Default_Zoom;
- $sSuggestionURL = false;
- $oGeocode =& new Geocode($oDB);
+ $oGeocode = new Geocode($oDB);
$aLangPrefOrder = getPreferredLanguages();
- if (isset($aLangPrefOrder['name:de'])) $oGeocode->setReverseInPlan(true);
- if (isset($aLangPrefOrder['name:ru'])) $oGeocode->setReverseInPlan(true);
- if (isset($aLangPrefOrder['name:ja'])) $oGeocode->setReverseInPlan(true);
- if (isset($aLangPrefOrder['name:pl'])) $oGeocode->setReverseInPlan(true);
+ if (CONST_Search_ReversePlanForAll
+ || isset($aLangPrefOrder['name:de'])
+ || isset($aLangPrefOrder['name:ru'])
+ || isset($aLangPrefOrder['name:ja'])
+ || isset($aLangPrefOrder['name:pl']))
+ {
+ $oGeocode->setReverseInPlan(true);
+ }
// Format for output
$sOutputFormat = 'html';
$bAsKML = (boolean)isset($_GET['polygon_kml']) && $_GET['polygon_kml'];
$bAsSVG = (boolean)isset($_GET['polygon_svg']) && $_GET['polygon_svg'];
$bAsText = (boolean)isset($_GET['polygon_text']) && $_GET['polygon_text'];
- $fThreshold = 0.0;
- if (isset($_GET['polygon_threshold'])) $fThreshold = (float)$_GET['polygon_threshold'];
if ( ( ($bAsGeoJSON?1:0)
- + ($bAsKML?1:0)
- + ($bAsSVG?1:0)
- + ($bAsText?1:0)
- + ($bAsPoints?1:0)
- ) > CONST_PolygonOutput_MaximumTypes)
+ + ($bAsKML?1:0)
+ + ($bAsSVG?1:0)
+ + ($bAsText?1:0)
+ + ($bAsPoints?1:0)
+ ) > CONST_PolygonOutput_MaximumTypes)
if (CONST_PolygonOutput_MaximumTypes)
- $oGeocode->setPolygonSimplificationThreshold($fThreshold);
+ // Polygon simplification threshold (optional)
+ $fThreshold = 0.0;
+ if (isset($_GET['polygon_threshold'])) $fThreshold = (float)$_GET['polygon_threshold'];
+ $oGeocode->setPolygonSimplificationThreshold($fThreshold);
if (CONST_Search_BatchMode && isset($_GET['batch']))
- } else {
- if (!(isset($_GET['q']) && $_GET['q']) && isset($_SERVER['PATH_INFO']) && $_SERVER['PATH_INFO'][0] == '/')
- {
- $sQuery = substr(rawurldecode($_SERVER['PATH_INFO']), 1);
- // reverse order of '/' separated string
- $aPhrases = explode('/', $sQuery);
- $aPhrases = array_reverse($aPhrases);
- $sQuery = join(', ',$aPhrases);
- $oGeocode->setQuery($sQuery);
- }
- else
- {
- $oGeocode->setQueryFromParams($_GET);
- }
- }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (!(isset($_GET['q']) && $_GET['q']) && isset($_SERVER['PATH_INFO']) && $_SERVER['PATH_INFO'][0] == '/')
+ {
+ $sQuery = substr(rawurldecode($_SERVER['PATH_INFO']), 1);
+ // reverse order of '/' separated string
+ $aPhrases = explode('/', $sQuery);
+ $aPhrases = array_reverse($aPhrases);
+ $sQuery = join(', ',$aPhrases);
+ $oGeocode->setQuery($sQuery);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $oGeocode->setQueryFromParams($_GET);
+ }
+ }
$hLog = logStart($oDB, 'search', $oGeocode->getQueryString(), $aLangPrefOrder);
$aSearchResults = $oGeocode->lookup();
if ($aSearchResults === false) $aSearchResults = array();
- $sDataDate = $oDB->getOne("select TO_CHAR(lastimportdate - '2 minutes'::interval,'YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI')||' GMT' from import_status limit 1");
+ if ($sOutputFormat=='html')
+ {
+ $sDataDate = $oDB->getOne("select TO_CHAR(lastimportdate - '2 minutes'::interval,'YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI')||' GMT' from import_status limit 1");
+ $sTileURL = CONST_Map_Tile_URL;
+ $sTileAttribution = CONST_Map_Tile_Attribution;
+ }
logEnd($oDB, $hLog, sizeof($aSearchResults));
$bAsText = $oGeocode->getIncludePolygonAsText();
$bShowPolygons = (isset($_GET['polygon']) && $_GET['polygon']);
$aExcludePlaceIDs = $oGeocode->getExcludedPlaceIDs();
- $sMoreURL = CONST_Website_BaseURL.'search?format='.urlencode($sOutputFormat).'&exclude_place_ids='.join(',',$oGeocode->getExcludedPlaceIDs());
+ $sMoreURL = CONST_Website_BaseURL.'search.php?format='.urlencode($sOutputFormat).'&exclude_place_ids='.join(',',$oGeocode->getExcludedPlaceIDs());
if (isset($_SERVER["HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE"])) $sMoreURL .= '&accept-language='.$_SERVER["HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE"];
if ($bShowPolygons) $sMoreURL .= '&polygon=1';
if ($oGeocode->getIncludeAddressDetails()) $sMoreURL .= '&addressdetails=1';
+ if ($oGeocode->getIncludeExtraTags()) $sMoreURL .= '&extratags=1';
+ if ($oGeocode->getIncludeNameDetails()) $sMoreURL .= '&namedetails=1';
if ($sViewBox) $sMoreURL .= '&viewbox='.urlencode($sViewBox);
if (isset($_GET['nearlat']) && isset($_GET['nearlon'])) $sMoreURL .= '&nearlat='.(float)$_GET['nearlat'].'&nearlon='.(float)$_GET['nearlon'];
$sMoreURL .= '&q='.urlencode($sQuery);