+ def _cleanup_housenumbers(self):
+ """ Remove unused house numbers.
+ """
+ with connect(self.dsn) as conn:
+ with conn.cursor(name="hnr_counter") as cur:
+ cur.execute("""SELECT word_id, word_token FROM word
+ WHERE type = 'H'
+ WHERE ARRAY[word.word_id] && name_vector)
+ AND (char_length(word_token) > 6
+ OR word_token not similar to '\d+')
+ """)
+ candidates = {token: wid for wid, token in cur}
+ with conn.cursor(name="hnr_counter") as cur:
+ cur.execute("""SELECT housenumber FROM placex
+ WHERE housenumber is not null
+ AND (char_length(housenumber) > 6
+ OR housenumber not similar to '\d+')
+ """)
+ for row in cur:
+ for hnr in row[0].split(';'):
+ candidates.pop(hnr, None)
+ LOG.info("There are %s outdated housenumbers.", len(candidates))
+ if candidates:
+ with conn.cursor() as cur:
+ cur.execute("""DELETE FROM word WHERE word_id = any(%s)""",
+ (list(candidates.values()), ))
+ conn.commit()
+ def update_word_tokens(self):
+ """ Remove unused tokens.
+ """
+ LOG.warn("Cleaning up housenumber tokens.")
+ self._cleanup_housenumbers()
+ LOG.warn("Tokenizer house-keeping done.")