RETURN ST_Envelope(ST_Collect(
- ST_Project(geom, radius, 0.785398)::geometry,
- ST_Project(geom, radius, 3.9269908)::geometry));
+ ST_Project(geom::geography, radius, 0.785398)::geometry,
+ ST_Project(geom::geography, radius, 3.9269908)::geometry));
SELECT osm_type, osm_id, class, type FROM placex WHERE place_id = placeid INTO osmtype, osmid, pclass, ptype;
DELETE FROM import_polygon_delete where osm_type = osmtype and osm_id = osmid and class = pclass and type = ptype;
DELETE FROM import_polygon_error where osm_type = osmtype and osm_id = osmid and class = pclass and type = ptype;
- -- force delete from place/placex by making it a very small geometry
- UPDATE place set geometry = ST_SetSRID(ST_Point(0,0), 4326) where osm_type = osmtype and osm_id = osmid and class = pclass and type = ptype;
- DELETE FROM place where osm_type = osmtype and osm_id = osmid and class = pclass and type = ptype;
+ -- force delete by directly entering it into the to-be-deleted table
+ INSERT INTO place_to_be_deleted (osm_type, osm_id, class, type, deferred)
+ VALUES(osmtype, osmid, pclass, ptype, false);
+ PERFORM flush_deleted_places();
LANGUAGE plpgsql;
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION flush_deleted_places()
+ AS $$
+ -- deleting large polygons can have a massive effect on the system - require manual intervention to let them through
+ INSERT INTO import_polygon_delete (osm_type, osm_id, class, type)
+ SELECT osm_type, osm_id, class, type FROM place_to_be_deleted WHERE deferred;
+ -- delete from place table
+ ALTER TABLE place DISABLE TRIGGER place_before_delete;
+ DELETE FROM place USING place_to_be_deleted
+ WHERE place.osm_type = place_to_be_deleted.osm_type
+ and place.osm_id = place_to_be_deleted.osm_id
+ and place.class = place_to_be_deleted.class
+ and place.type = place_to_be_deleted.type
+ and not deferred;
+ ALTER TABLE place ENABLE TRIGGER place_before_delete;
+ -- Mark for delete in the placex table
+ UPDATE placex SET indexed_status = 100 FROM place_to_be_deleted
+ WHERE placex.osm_type = 'N' and place_to_be_deleted.osm_type = 'N'
+ and placex.osm_id = place_to_be_deleted.osm_id
+ and placex.class = place_to_be_deleted.class
+ and placex.type = place_to_be_deleted.type
+ and not deferred;
+ UPDATE placex SET indexed_status = 100 FROM place_to_be_deleted
+ WHERE placex.osm_type = 'W' and place_to_be_deleted.osm_type = 'W'
+ and placex.osm_id = place_to_be_deleted.osm_id
+ and placex.class = place_to_be_deleted.class
+ and placex.type = place_to_be_deleted.type
+ and not deferred;
+ UPDATE placex SET indexed_status = 100 FROM place_to_be_deleted
+ WHERE placex.osm_type = 'R' and place_to_be_deleted.osm_type = 'R'
+ and placex.osm_id = place_to_be_deleted.osm_id
+ and placex.class = place_to_be_deleted.class
+ and placex.type = place_to_be_deleted.type
+ and not deferred;
+ -- Mark for delete in interpolations
+ UPDATE location_property_osmline SET indexed_status = 100 FROM place_to_be_deleted
+ WHERE place_to_be_deleted.osm_type = 'W'
+ and place_to_be_deleted.class = 'place'
+ and place_to_be_deleted.type = 'houses'
+ and location_property_osmline.osm_id = place_to_be_deleted.osm_id
+ and not deferred;
+ -- Clear todo list.
+ TRUNCATE TABLE place_to_be_deleted;
+$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;