return chksql(
- "Could not determine closest housenumber on an osm interpolation line."
+ 'Could not determine closest housenumber on an osm interpolation line.'
$sSQL .= ' LIMIT 1000) as p WHERE';
$sSQL .= ' rank_search != 28 and rank_search >= '.$iMaxRank;
- $sSQL .= ' and (name is not null or housenumber is not null)';
+ $sSQL .= ' and (name is not null or housenumber is not null';
+ $sSQL .= ' or rank_search between 26 and 27)';
$sSQL .= ' and class not in (\'waterway\',\'railway\',\'tunnel\',\'bridge\',\'man_made\')';
- $sSQL .= ' and indexed_status = 0 ';
+ $sSQL .= ' and indexed_status = 0 and linked_place_id is null';
$sSQL .= ' and (ST_GeometryType(geometry) not in (\'ST_Polygon\',\'ST_MultiPolygon\') ';
$sSQL .= ' OR ST_DWithin('.$sPointSQL.', centroid, '.$fSearchDiam.'))';
$sSQL .= ' ORDER BY distance ASC limit 1';
if (CONST_Debug) var_dump($sSQL);
$aPlace = chksql(
- "Could not determine closest place."
+ 'Could not determine closest place.'
if ($aPlace) {
$oResult = new Result($aPlace['place_id']);
$aPlaceTiger = chksql(
- "Could not determine closest Tiger place."
+ 'Could not determine closest Tiger place.'
if ($aPlaceTiger) {
if (CONST_Debug) var_dump('found Tiger housenumber', $aPlaceTiger);
} else {
$iPlaceID = $oResult->iId;
- $sSQL = 'select address_place_id';
- $sSQL .= ' FROM place_addressline';
- $sSQL .= " WHERE place_id = $iPlaceID";
+ $sSQL = 'select a.address_place_id';
+ $sSQL .= ' FROM place_addressline a, placex p';
+ $sSQL .= " WHERE a.place_id = $iPlaceID and a.address_place_id = p.place_id";
+ $sSQL .= ' AND p.linked_place_id is null';
$sSQL .= " ORDER BY abs(cached_rank_address - $iMaxRank) asc,cached_rank_address desc,isaddress desc,distance desc";
$sSQL .= ' LIMIT 1';
- $iPlaceID = chksql($this->oDB->getOne($sSQL), "Could not get parent for place.");
+ $iPlaceID = chksql($this->oDB->getOne($sSQL), 'Could not get parent for place.');
if ($iPlaceID) {
$oResult = new Result($iPlaceID);