-- null record of right type
select * from placex where osm_type = 'N' and osm_id = waynodes[nodeidpos]::INTEGER and type = 'house' limit 1 INTO nextnode;
select ST_SetSRID(ST_Point(lon::float/10000000,lat::float/10000000),4326) from planet_osm_nodes where id = waynodes[nodeidpos] INTO nextnode.geometry;
+ IF nextnode.geometry IS NULL THEN
+ -- we don't have any information about this point, most likely
+ -- because an excerpt was updated and the node never imported
+ -- because the interpolation is outside the region of the excerpt.
+ -- Give up.
+ RETURN newpoints;
select * from placex where place_id = search_place_id INTO nextnode;
-- RAISE WARNING 'ISIN: %', isin_tokens;
-- Process area matches
- location_rank_search := 100;
+ location_rank_search := 0;
location_distance := 0;
location_parent := NULL;
-- RAISE WARNING ' getNearFeatures(%,''%'',%,''%'')',NEW.partition, place_centroid, search_maxrank, isin_tokens;
--RAISE WARNING ' AREA: %',location;
- IF location.rank_search < location_rank_search THEN
- location_rank_search := location.rank_search;
- location_distance := location.distance * 0.5;
+ IF location.rank_address != location_rank_search THEN
+ location_rank_search := location.rank_address;
+ location_distance := location.distance * 1.5;
IF location.distance < location_distance OR NOT location.isguess THEN
-- for long ways we should add search terms for the entire length
IF st_length(NEW.geometry) > 0.05 THEN
- location_rank_search := 100;
+ location_rank_search := 0;
location_distance := 0;
FOR location IN SELECT * from getNearFeatures(NEW.partition, NEW.geometry, search_maxrank, isin_tokens) LOOP
- IF location.rank_search < location_rank_search THEN
- location_rank_search := location.rank_search;
- location_distance := location.distance * 0.5;
+ IF location.rank_address != location_rank_search THEN
+ location_rank_search := location.rank_address;
+ location_distance := location.distance * 1.5;
IF location.distance < location_distance THEN