from nominatim.errors import UsageError
from nominatim.db.sqlalchemy_schema import SearchTables
from nominatim.db.async_core_library import PGCORE_LIB, PGCORE_ERROR
+import nominatim.db.sqlite_functions
from nominatim.config import Configuration
from nominatim.api.connection import SearchConnection
from nominatim.api.status import get_status, StatusResult
if self._engine:
- dsn = self.config.get_database_params()
- pool_size = self.config.get_int('API_POOL_SIZE')
- query = {k: v for k, v in dsn.items()
- if k not in ('user', 'password', 'dbname', 'host', 'port')}
- dburl = sa.engine.URL.create(
- f'postgresql+{PGCORE_LIB}',
- database=dsn.get('dbname'),
- username=dsn.get('user'), password=dsn.get('password'),
- host=dsn.get('host'), port=int(dsn['port']) if 'port' in dsn else None,
- query=query)
- engine = sa_asyncio.create_async_engine(dburl, future=True,
- max_overflow=0, pool_size=pool_size,
- echo=self.config.get_bool('DEBUG_SQL'))
- try:
- async with engine.begin() as conn:
- result = await conn.scalar(sa.text('SHOW server_version_num'))
- server_version = int(result)
- except (PGCORE_ERROR, sa.exc.OperationalError):
+ extra_args: Dict[str, Any] = {'future': True,
+ 'echo': self.config.get_bool('DEBUG_SQL')}
+ if self.config.get_int('API_POOL_SIZE') == 0:
+ extra_args['poolclass'] = sa.pool.NullPool
+ else:
+ extra_args['poolclass'] = sa.pool.AsyncAdaptedQueuePool
+ extra_args['max_overflow'] = 0
+ extra_args['pool_size'] = self.config.get_int('API_POOL_SIZE')
+ is_sqlite = self.config.DATABASE_DSN.startswith('sqlite:')
+ if is_sqlite:
+ params = dict((p.split('=', 1)
+ for p in self.config.DATABASE_DSN[7:].split(';')))
+ dburl = sa.engine.URL.create('sqlite+aiosqlite',
+ database=params.get('dbname'))
+ if not ('NOMINATIM_DATABASE_RW' in self.config.environ
+ and self.config.get_bool('DATABASE_RW')) \
+ and not Path(params.get('dbname', '')).is_file():
+ raise UsageError(f"SQlite database '{params.get('dbname')}' does not exist.")
+ else:
+ dsn = self.config.get_database_params()
+ query = {k: v for k, v in dsn.items()
+ if k not in ('user', 'password', 'dbname', 'host', 'port')}
+ dburl = sa.engine.URL.create(
+ f'postgresql+{PGCORE_LIB}',
+ database=dsn.get('dbname'),
+ username=dsn.get('user'),
+ password=dsn.get('password'),
+ host=dsn.get('host'),
+ port=int(dsn['port']) if 'port' in dsn else None,
+ query=query)
+ engine = sa_asyncio.create_async_engine(dburl, **extra_args)
+ if is_sqlite:
server_version = 0
- if server_version >= 110000:
@sa.event.listens_for(engine.sync_engine, "connect")
- def _on_connect(dbapi_con: Any, _: Any) -> None:
+ def _on_sqlite_connect(dbapi_con: Any, _: Any) -> None:
+ dbapi_con.run_async(lambda conn: conn.enable_load_extension(True))
+ nominatim.db.sqlite_functions.install_custom_functions(dbapi_con)
cursor = dbapi_con.cursor()
- cursor.execute("SET jit_above_cost TO '-1'")
- cursor.execute("SET max_parallel_workers_per_gather TO '0'")
- # Make sure that all connections get the new settings
- await self.close()
+ cursor.execute("SELECT load_extension('mod_spatialite')")
+ cursor.execute('SELECT SetDecimalPrecision(7)')
+ dbapi_con.run_async(lambda conn: conn.enable_load_extension(False))
+ else:
+ try:
+ async with engine.begin() as conn:
+ result = await conn.scalar(sa.text('SHOW server_version_num'))
+ server_version = int(result)
+ if server_version >= 110000:
+ await conn.execute(sa.text("SET jit_above_cost TO '-1'"))
+ await conn.execute(sa.text(
+ "SET max_parallel_workers_per_gather TO '0'"))
+ except (PGCORE_ERROR, sa.exc.OperationalError):
+ server_version = 0
+ if server_version >= 110000:
+ @sa.event.listens_for(engine.sync_engine, "connect")
+ def _on_connect(dbapi_con: Any, _: Any) -> None:
+ cursor = dbapi_con.cursor()
+ cursor.execute("SET jit_above_cost TO '-1'")
+ cursor.execute("SET max_parallel_workers_per_gather TO '0'")
self._property_cache['DB:server_version'] = server_version
- self._tables = SearchTables(sa.MetaData(), # pylint: disable=no-member
+ self._tables = SearchTables(sa.MetaData()) # pylint: disable=no-member
self._engine = engine
""" Close all active connections to the database.
This function also closes the asynchronous worker loop making
- the NominatimAPI object unusuable.
+ the NominatimAPI object unusable.
place. Only meaning full for POI-like objects (places with a
rank_address of 30).
linked_place_id (Optional[int]): Internal ID of the place this object
- linkes to. When this ID is set then there is no guarantee that
+ links to. When this ID is set then there is no guarantee that
the rest of the result information is complete.
admin_level (int): Value of the `admin_level` OSM tag. Only meaningful
for administrative boundary objects.