+-- SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only
+-- This file is part of Nominatim. (https://nominatim.org)
+-- Copyright (C) 2022 by the Nominatim developer community.
+-- For a full list of authors see the git log.
-- Trigger functions for the placex table.
-- Information returned by update preparation.
location RECORD;
result prepare_update_info;
+ extra_names HSTORE;
+ IF not p.address ? '_inherited' THEN
+ result.address := p.address;
-- For POI nodes, check if the address should be derived from a surrounding
-- building.
- IF p.rank_search < 30 OR p.osm_type != 'N' OR p.address is not null THEN
- result.address := p.address;
- -- The additional && condition works around the misguided query
- -- planner of postgis 3.0.
- SELECT placex.address || hstore('_inherited', '') INTO result.address
- FROM placex
- WHERE ST_Covers(geometry, p.centroid)
- and geometry && p.centroid
- and placex.address is not null
- and (placex.address ? 'housenumber' or placex.address ? 'street' or placex.address ? 'place')
- and rank_search = 30 AND ST_GeometryType(geometry) in ('ST_Polygon','ST_MultiPolygon')
- LIMIT 1;
+ IF p.rank_search = 30 AND p.osm_type = 'N' THEN
+ IF p.address is null THEN
+ -- The additional && condition works around the misguided query
+ -- planner of postgis 3.0.
+ SELECT placex.address || hstore('_inherited', '') INTO result.address
+ FROM placex
+ WHERE ST_Covers(geometry, p.centroid)
+ and geometry && p.centroid
+ and placex.address is not null
+ and (placex.address ? 'housenumber' or placex.address ? 'street' or placex.address ? 'place')
+ and rank_search = 30 AND ST_GeometryType(geometry) in ('ST_Polygon','ST_MultiPolygon')
+ LIMIT 1;
+ -- See if we can inherit addtional address tags from an interpolation.
+ -- These will become permanent.
+ FOR location IN
+ SELECT (address - 'interpolation'::text - 'housenumber'::text) as address
+ FROM place, planet_osm_ways w
+ WHERE place.osm_type = 'W' and place.address ? 'interpolation'
+ and place.geometry && p.geometry
+ and place.osm_id = w.id
+ and p.osm_id = any(w.nodes)
+ result.address := location.address || result.address;
+ -- remove internal and derived names
result.address := result.address - '_unlisted_place'::TEXT;
- result.name := p.name;
+ SELECT hstore(array_agg(key), array_agg(value)) INTO result.name
+ FROM each(p.name) WHERE key not like '\_%';
result.class := p.class;
result.type := p.type;
result.country_code := p.country_code;
IF location.place_id is not NULL THEN
result.linked_place_id := location.place_id;
- IF NOT location.name IS NULL THEN
- result.name := location.name || result.name;
+ IF location.name is not NULL THEN
+ {% if debug %}RAISE WARNING 'Names original: %, location: %', result.name, location.name;{% endif %}
+ -- Add all names from the place nodes that deviate from the name
+ -- in the relation with the prefix '_place_'. Deviation means that
+ -- either the value is different or a given key is missing completely
+ SELECT hstore(array_agg('_place_' || key), array_agg(value)) INTO extra_names
+ FROM each(location.name - result.name);
+ {% if debug %}RAISE WARNING 'Extra names: %', extra_names;{% endif %}
+ IF extra_names is not null THEN
+ result.name := result.name || extra_names;
+ {% if debug %}RAISE WARNING 'Final names: %', result.name;{% endif %}
IF location.members[i+1] = 'street' THEN
FOR parent IN
SELECT place_id from placex
- WHERE osm_type = 'W' and osm_id = substring(location.members[i],2)::bigint
+ WHERE osm_type = upper(substring(location.members[i], 1, 1))::char(1)
+ and osm_id = substring(location.members[i], 2)::bigint
and name is not null
and rank_search between 26 and 27
IF parent_place_id is null and poi_osm_type = 'N' THEN
- -- Is this node part of an interpolation?
- FOR location IN
- SELECT q.parent_place_id
- FROM location_property_osmline q, planet_osm_ways x
- WHERE q.linegeo && bbox and x.id = q.osm_id
- and poi_osm_id = any(x.nodes)
- {% if debug %}RAISE WARNING 'Get parent from interpolation: %', location.parent_place_id;{% endif %}
- RETURN location.parent_place_id;
FOR location IN
SELECT p.place_id, p.osm_id, p.rank_search, p.address,
coalesce(p.centroid, ST_Centroid(p.geometry)) as centroid
OR position(bnd_name in lower(name->'name')) > 0)
AND placex.class = 'place' AND placex.type = bnd.extratags->'place'
AND placex.osm_type = 'N'
- AND placex.linked_place_id is null
+ AND (placex.linked_place_id is null or placex.linked_place_id = bnd.place_id)
AND placex.rank_search < 26 -- needed to select the right index
AND placex.type != 'postcode'
AND ST_Covers(bnd.geometry, placex.geometry)
WHERE placex.class = 'place' AND placex.osm_type = 'N'
AND placex.extratags ? 'wikidata' -- needed to select right index
AND placex.extratags->'wikidata' = bnd.extratags->'wikidata'
- AND placex.linked_place_id is null
+ AND (placex.linked_place_id is null or placex.linked_place_id = bnd.place_id)
AND placex.rank_search < 26
AND _st_covers(bnd.geometry, placex.geometry)
ORDER BY lower(name->'name') = bnd_name desc
OR (bnd.rank_address = 0 and placex.rank_search = bnd.rank_search))
AND placex.osm_type = 'N'
AND placex.class = 'place'
- AND placex.linked_place_id is null
+ AND (placex.linked_place_id is null or placex.linked_place_id = bnd.place_id)
AND placex.rank_search < 26 -- needed to select the right index
AND placex.type != 'postcode'
AND ST_Covers(bnd.geometry, placex.geometry)
WHERE s.place_id = parent_place_id;
FOR addr_item IN
- SELECT (get_addr_tag_rank(key, country)).*, key,
+ SELECT ranks.*, key,
token_get_address_search_tokens(token_info, key) as search_tokens
- FROM token_get_address_keys(token_info) as key
+ FROM token_get_address_keys(token_info) as key,
+ LATERAL get_addr_tag_rank(key, country) as ranks
WHERE not token_get_address_search_tokens(token_info, key) <@ parent_address_vector
addr_place := get_address_place(in_partition, geometry,
maxrank SMALLINT,
token_info JSONB,
geometry GEOMETRY,
+ centroid GEOMETRY,
country TEXT,
OUT parent_place_id BIGINT,
OUT postcode TEXT,
address_havelevel := array_fill(false, ARRAY[maxrank]);
FOR location IN
- SELECT (get_address_place(partition, geometry, from_rank, to_rank,
- extent, token_info, key)).*, key
- FROM (SELECT (get_addr_tag_rank(key, country)).*, key
- FROM token_get_address_keys(token_info) as key) x
+ SELECT apl.*, key
+ FROM (SELECT extra.*, key
+ FROM token_get_address_keys(token_info) as key,
+ LATERAL get_addr_tag_rank(key, country) as extra) x,
+ LATERAL get_address_place(partition, geometry, from_rank, to_rank,
+ extent, token_info, key) as apl
ORDER BY rank_address, distance, isguess desc
IF location.place_id is null THEN
FOR location IN
- SELECT * FROM getNearFeatures(partition, geometry, maxrank)
+ SELECT * FROM getNearFeatures(partition, geometry, centroid, maxrank)
WHERE not addr_place_ids @> ARRAY[place_id]
ORDER BY rank_address, isguess asc,
distance *
{% if not disable_diff_updates %}
-- The following is not needed until doing diff updates, and slows the main index process down
- IF NEW.osm_type = 'N' and NEW.rank_search > 28 THEN
- -- might be part of an interpolation
- result := osmline_reinsert(NEW.osm_id, NEW.geometry);
- ELSEIF NEW.rank_address > 0 THEN
+ IF NEW.rank_address > 0 THEN
IF (ST_GeometryType(NEW.geometry) in ('ST_Polygon','ST_MultiPolygon') AND ST_IsValid(NEW.geometry)) THEN
-- Performance: We just can't handle re-indexing for country level changes
IF st_area(NEW.geometry) < 1 THEN
-- roads may cause reparenting for >27 rank places
update placex set indexed_status = 2 where indexed_status = 0 and rank_search > NEW.rank_search and ST_DWithin(placex.geometry, NEW.geometry, diameter);
-- reparenting also for OSM Interpolation Lines (and for Tiger?)
- update location_property_osmline set indexed_status = 2 where indexed_status = 0 and ST_DWithin(location_property_osmline.linegeo, NEW.geometry, diameter);
+ update location_property_osmline set indexed_status = 2 where indexed_status = 0 and startnumber is not null and ST_DWithin(location_property_osmline.linegeo, NEW.geometry, diameter);
ELSEIF NEW.rank_search >= 16 THEN
-- up to rank 16, street-less addresses may need reparenting
update placex set indexed_status = 2 where indexed_status = 0 and rank_search > NEW.rank_search and ST_DWithin(placex.geometry, NEW.geometry, diameter) and (rank_search < 28 or name is not null or address ? 'place');
DELETE FROM place_addressline WHERE place_id = NEW.place_id;
result := deleteRoad(NEW.partition, NEW.place_id);
result := deleteLocationArea(NEW.partition, NEW.place_id, NEW.rank_search);
- UPDATE placex set linked_place_id = null, indexed_status = 2
- where linked_place_id = NEW.place_id;
- -- update not necessary for osmline, cause linked_place_id does not exist
NEW.extratags := NEW.extratags - 'linked_place'::TEXT;
linked_place := NEW.linked_place_id;
NEW.linked_place_id := OLD.linked_place_id;
- IF NEW.linked_place_id is not null THEN
- NEW.token_info := null;
- {% if debug %}RAISE WARNING 'place already linked to %', OLD.linked_place_id;{% endif %}
+ -- Remove linkage, if we have computed a different new linkee.
+ UPDATE placex SET linked_place_id = null, indexed_status = 2
+ WHERE linked_place_id = NEW.place_id
+ and (linked_place is null or linked_place_id != linked_place);
+ -- update not necessary for osmline, cause linked_place_id does not exist
-- Postcodes are just here to compute the centroids. They are not searchable
-- unless they are a boundary=postal_code.
NEW.class, NEW.type, NEW.admin_level,
(NEW.extratags->'capital') = 'yes',
+ -- Short-cut out for linked places. Note that this must happen after the
+ -- address rank has been recomputed. The linking might nullify a shift in
+ -- address rank.
+ IF NEW.linked_place_id is not null THEN
+ NEW.token_info := null;
+ {% if debug %}RAISE WARNING 'place already linked to %', OLD.linked_place_id;{% endif %}
-- We must always increase the address level relative to the admin boundary.
IF NEW.class = 'boundary' and NEW.type = 'administrative'
and NEW.osm_type = 'R' and NEW.rank_address > 0
{% endif %}
NEW.token_info := token_strip_info(NEW.token_info);
- -- If the address was inherited from a surrounding building,
- -- do not add it permanently to the table.
- IF NEW.address ? '_inherited' THEN
- IF NEW.address ? '_unlisted_place' THEN
- NEW.address := hstore('_unlisted_place', NEW.address->'_unlisted_place');
- NEW.address := null;
-- Full indexing
{% if debug %}RAISE WARNING 'Using full index mode for % %', NEW.osm_type, NEW.osm_id;{% endif %}
IF linked_place is not null THEN
- SELECT * INTO location FROM placex WHERE place_id = linked_place;
+ -- Recompute the ranks here as the ones from the linked place might
+ -- have been shifted to accomodate surrounding boundaries.
+ SELECT place_id, osm_id, class, type, extratags,
+ centroid, geometry,
+ (compute_place_rank(country_code, osm_type, class, type, admin_level,
+ (extratags->'capital') = 'yes', null)).*
+ INTO location
+ FROM placex WHERE place_id = linked_place;
{% if debug %}RAISE WARNING 'Linked %', location;{% endif %}
NEW.centroid := geom;
- {% if debug %}RAISE WARNING 'parent address: % rank address: %', parent_address_level, location.rank_address;{% endif %}
- IF location.rank_address > parent_address_level
- and location.rank_address < 26
+ {% if debug %}RAISE WARNING 'parent address: % rank address: %', parent_address_level, location.address_rank;{% endif %}
+ IF location.address_rank > parent_address_level
+ and location.address_rank < 26
- NEW.rank_address := location.rank_address;
+ NEW.rank_address := location.address_rank;
-- merge in extra tags
AND NEW.class = 'boundary' AND NEW.type = 'administrative'
AND NEW.country_code IS NOT NULL AND NEW.osm_type = 'R'
- -- Update the list of country names. Adding an additional sanity
- -- check here: make sure the country does overlap with the area where
- -- we expect it to be as per static country grid.
+ -- Update the list of country names.
+ -- Only take the name from the largest area for the given country code
+ -- in the hope that this is the authoritive one.
+ -- Also replace any old names so that all mapping mistakes can
+ -- be fixed through regular OSM updates.
FOR location IN
- SELECT country_code FROM country_osm_grid
- WHERE ST_Covers(geometry, NEW.centroid) and country_code = NEW.country_code
+ SELECT osm_id FROM placex
+ WHERE rank_search = 4 and osm_type = 'R'
+ and country_code = NEW.country_code
+ ORDER BY ST_Area(geometry) desc
- {% if debug %}RAISE WARNING 'Updating names for country '%' with: %', NEW.country_code, NEW.name;{% endif %}
- UPDATE country_name SET name = name || NEW.name WHERE country_code = NEW.country_code;
+ IF location.osm_id = NEW.osm_id THEN
+ {% if debug %}RAISE WARNING 'Updating names for country '%' with: %', NEW.country_code, NEW.name;{% endif %}
+ UPDATE country_name SET derived_name = NEW.name WHERE country_code = NEW.country_code;
SELECT * FROM insert_addresslines(NEW.place_id, NEW.partition, max_rank,
- NEW.token_info, geom, NEW.country_code)
+ NEW.token_info, geom, NEW.centroid,
+ NEW.country_code)
INTO NEW.parent_place_id, NEW.postcode, nameaddress_vector;
{% if debug %}RAISE WARNING 'RETURN insert_addresslines: %, %, %', NEW.parent_place_id, NEW.postcode, nameaddress_vector;{% endif %}