- public function createFunctions()
- {
- info('Create Functions');
- // Try accessing the C module, so we know early if something is wrong
- $this->checkModulePresence(); // raises exception on failure
- $this->createSqlFunctions();
- }
- public function createTables($bReverseOnly = false)
- {
- info('Create Tables');
- $sTemplate = file_get_contents(CONST_SqlDir.'/tables.sql');
- $sTemplate = $this->replaceSqlPatterns($sTemplate);
- $this->pgsqlRunScript($sTemplate, false);
- if ($bReverseOnly) {
- $this->dropTable('search_name');
- }
- (clone($this->oNominatimCmd))->addParams('refresh', '--address-levels')->run();
- }
- public function createTableTriggers()
- {
- info('Create Tables');
- $sTemplate = file_get_contents(CONST_SqlDir.'/table-triggers.sql');
- $sTemplate = $this->replaceSqlPatterns($sTemplate);
- $this->pgsqlRunScript($sTemplate, false);
- }
- public function createPartitionTables()
- {
- info('Create Partition Tables');
- $sTemplate = file_get_contents(CONST_SqlDir.'/partition-tables.src.sql');
- $sTemplate = $this->replaceSqlPatterns($sTemplate);
- $this->pgsqlRunPartitionScript($sTemplate);
- }
- public function importTigerData($sTigerPath)
- {
- info('Import Tiger data');
- $aFilenames = glob($sTigerPath.'/*.sql');
- info('Found '.count($aFilenames).' SQL files in path '.$sTigerPath);
- if (empty($aFilenames)) {
- warn('Tiger data import selected but no files found in path '.$sTigerPath);
- return;
- }
- $sTemplate = file_get_contents(CONST_SqlDir.'/tiger_import_start.sql');
- $sTemplate = $this->replaceSqlPatterns($sTemplate);
- $this->pgsqlRunScript($sTemplate, false);
- $aDBInstances = array();
- for ($i = 0; $i < $this->iInstances; $i++) {
- // https://secure.php.net/manual/en/function.pg-connect.php
- $DSN = getSetting('DATABASE_DSN');
- $DSN = preg_replace('/^pgsql:/', '', $DSN);
- $DSN = preg_replace('/;/', ' ', $DSN);
- $aDBInstances[$i] = pg_connect($DSN, PGSQL_CONNECT_FORCE_NEW | PGSQL_CONNECT_ASYNC);
- pg_ping($aDBInstances[$i]);
- }
- foreach ($aFilenames as $sFile) {
- echo $sFile.': ';
- $hFile = fopen($sFile, 'r');
- $sSQL = fgets($hFile, 100000);
- $iLines = 0;
- while (true) {
- for ($i = 0; $i < $this->iInstances; $i++) {
- if (!pg_connection_busy($aDBInstances[$i])) {
- while (pg_get_result($aDBInstances[$i]));
- $sSQL = fgets($hFile, 100000);
- if (!$sSQL) break 2;
- if (!pg_send_query($aDBInstances[$i], $sSQL)) fail(pg_last_error($aDBInstances[$i]));
- $iLines++;
- if ($iLines == 1000) {
- echo '.';
- $iLines = 0;
- }
- }
- }
- usleep(10);
- }
- fclose($hFile);
- $bAnyBusy = true;
- while ($bAnyBusy) {
- $bAnyBusy = false;
- for ($i = 0; $i < $this->iInstances; $i++) {
- if (pg_connection_busy($aDBInstances[$i])) $bAnyBusy = true;
- }
- usleep(10);
- }
- echo "\n";
- }
- for ($i = 0; $i < $this->iInstances; $i++) {
- pg_close($aDBInstances[$i]);
- }
- info('Creating indexes on Tiger data');
- $sTemplate = file_get_contents(CONST_SqlDir.'/tiger_import_finish.sql');
- $sTemplate = $this->replaceSqlPatterns($sTemplate);
- $this->pgsqlRunScript($sTemplate, false);
- }
public function calculatePostcodes($bCMDResultAll)
info('Calculate Postcodes');
- public function createSearchIndices()
- {
- info('Create Search indices');
- $sSQL = 'SELECT relname FROM pg_class, pg_index ';
- $sSQL .= 'WHERE pg_index.indisvalid = false AND pg_index.indexrelid = pg_class.oid';
- $aInvalidIndices = $this->db()->getCol($sSQL);
- foreach ($aInvalidIndices as $sIndexName) {
- info("Cleaning up invalid index $sIndexName");
- $this->db()->exec("DROP INDEX $sIndexName;");
- }
- $sTemplate = file_get_contents(CONST_SqlDir.'/indices.src.sql');
- if (!$this->bDrop) {
- $sTemplate .= file_get_contents(CONST_SqlDir.'/indices_updates.src.sql');
- }
- if (!$this->dbReverseOnly()) {
- $sTemplate .= file_get_contents(CONST_SqlDir.'/indices_search.src.sql');
- }
- $sTemplate = $this->replaceSqlPatterns($sTemplate);
- $this->pgsqlRunScript($sTemplate);
- }
public function createCountryNames()
info('Create search index for default country names');
- private function createSqlFunctions()
+ public function createSqlFunctions()
$oCmd = (clone($this->oNominatimCmd))
->addParams('refresh', '--functions');
- private function pgsqlRunPartitionScript($sTemplate)
- {
- $sSQL = 'select distinct partition from country_name order by partition';
- $aPartitions = $this->db()->getCol($sSQL);
- if ($aPartitions[0] != 0) $aPartitions[] = 0;
- preg_match_all('#^-- start(.*?)^-- end#ms', $sTemplate, $aMatches, PREG_SET_ORDER);
- foreach ($aMatches as $aMatch) {
- $sResult = '';
- foreach ($aPartitions as $sPartitionName) {
- $sResult .= str_replace('-partition-', $sPartitionName, $aMatch[1]);
- }
- $sTemplate = str_replace($aMatch[0], $sResult, $sTemplate);
- }
- $this->pgsqlRunScript($sTemplate);
- }
private function pgsqlRunScriptFile($sFilename)
if (!file_exists($sFilename)) fail('unable to find '.$sFilename);
return $sSql;
- /**
- * Drop table with the given name if it exists.
- *
- * @param string $sName Name of table to remove.
- *
- * @return null
- */
- private function dropTable($sName)
- {
- if ($this->bVerbose) echo "Dropping table $sName\n";
- $this->db()->deleteTable($sName);
- }
- /**
- * Check if the database is in reverse-only mode.
- *
- * @return True if there is no search_name table and infrastructure.
- */
- private function dbReverseOnly()
- {
- return !($this->db()->tableExists('search_name'));
- }
- /**
- * Try accessing the C module, so we know early if something is wrong.
- *
- * Raises Nominatim\DatabaseError on failure
- */
- private function checkModulePresence()
- {
- $sModulePath = getSetting('DATABASE_MODULE_PATH', CONST_InstallDir.'/module');
- $sSQL = "CREATE FUNCTION nominatim_test_import_func(text) RETURNS text AS '";
- $sSQL .= $sModulePath . "/nominatim.so', 'transliteration' LANGUAGE c IMMUTABLE STRICT";
- $sSQL .= ';DROP FUNCTION nominatim_test_import_func(text);';
- $oDB = new \Nominatim\DB();
- $oDB->connect();
- $oDB->exec($sSQL, null, 'Database server failed to load '.$sModulePath.'/nominatim.so module');
- }