+def testfile_dir(src_dir):
+ return src_dir / 'test' / 'testfiles'
+def sp_importer(temp_db_conn, def_config, temp_phplib_dir_with_migration):
+ """
+ Return an instance of SPImporter.
+ """
+ loader = SPWikiLoader(def_config, ['en'])
+ return SPImporter(def_config, temp_phplib_dir_with_migration, temp_db_conn, loader)
+def temp_phplib_dir_with_migration(src_dir, tmp_path):
+ """
+ Return temporary phpdir with migration subdirectory and
+ PhraseSettingsToJson.php script inside.
+ """
+ migration_file = (src_dir / 'lib-php' / 'migration' / 'PhraseSettingsToJson.php').resolve()
+ phpdir = tmp_path / 'tempphp'
+ phpdir.mkdir()
+ (phpdir / 'migration').mkdir()
+ migration_dest_path = (phpdir / 'migration' / 'PhraseSettingsToJson.php').resolve()
+ copyfile(str(migration_file), str(migration_dest_path))
+ return phpdir
+def xml_wiki_content(src_dir):
+ """
+ return the content of the static xml test file.
+ """
+ xml_test_content_path = (src_dir / 'test' / 'testdata' / 'special_phrases_test_content.txt').resolve()
+ return xml_test_content_path.read_text()
+def default_phrases(table_factory):
+ table_factory('place_classtype_testclasstypetable_to_delete')
+ table_factory('place_classtype_testclasstypetable_to_keep')