WHERE s.place_id = parent_place_id;
FOR addr_item IN
- SELECT (get_addr_tag_rank(key, country)).*, key,
+ SELECT ranks.*, key,
token_get_address_search_tokens(token_info, key) as search_tokens
- FROM token_get_address_keys(token_info) as key
+ FROM token_get_address_keys(token_info) as key,
+ LATERAL get_addr_tag_rank(key, country) as ranks
WHERE not token_get_address_search_tokens(token_info, key) <@ parent_address_vector
addr_place := get_address_place(in_partition, geometry,
address_havelevel := array_fill(false, ARRAY[maxrank]);
FOR location IN
- SELECT (get_address_place(partition, geometry, from_rank, to_rank,
- extent, token_info, key)).*, key
- FROM (SELECT (get_addr_tag_rank(key, country)).*, key
- FROM token_get_address_keys(token_info) as key) x
+ SELECT apl.*, key
+ FROM (SELECT extra.*, key
+ FROM token_get_address_keys(token_info) as key,
+ LATERAL get_addr_tag_rank(key, country) as extra) x,
+ LATERAL get_address_place(partition, geometry, from_rank, to_rank,
+ extent, token_info, key) as apl
ORDER BY rank_address, distance, isguess desc
IF location.place_id is null THEN
AND NEW.class = 'boundary' AND NEW.type = 'administrative'
AND NEW.country_code IS NOT NULL AND NEW.osm_type = 'R'
- -- Update the list of country names. Adding an additional sanity
- -- check here: make sure the country does overlap with the area where
- -- we expect it to be as per static country grid.
+ -- Update the list of country names.
+ -- Only take the name from the largest area for the given country code
+ -- in the hope that this is the authoritive one.
+ -- Also replace any old names so that all mapping mistakes can
+ -- be fixed through regular OSM updates.
FOR location IN
- SELECT country_code FROM country_osm_grid
- WHERE ST_Covers(geometry, NEW.centroid) and country_code = NEW.country_code
+ SELECT osm_id FROM placex
+ WHERE rank_search = 4 and osm_type = 'R'
+ and country_code = NEW.country_code
+ ORDER BY ST_Area(geometry) desc
- {% if debug %}RAISE WARNING 'Updating names for country '%' with: %', NEW.country_code, NEW.name;{% endif %}
- UPDATE country_name SET name = name || NEW.name WHERE country_code = NEW.country_code;
+ IF location.osm_id = NEW.osm_id THEN
+ {% if debug %}RAISE WARNING 'Updating names for country '%' with: %', NEW.country_code, NEW.name;{% endif %}
+ UPDATE country_name SET derived_name = NEW.name WHERE country_code = NEW.country_code;