# This file is part of Nominatim. (https://nominatim.org)
-# Copyright (C) 2024 by the Nominatim developer community.
+# Copyright (C) 2025 by the Nominatim developer community.
# For a full list of authors see the git log.
""" Steps that run queries against the API.
from pathlib import Path
-import json
-import os
import re
import logging
import asyncio
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
-from urllib.parse import urlencode
-from utils import run_script
from http_responses import GenericResponse, SearchResponse, ReverseResponse, StatusResponse
from check_functions import Bbox, check_for_attributes
from table_compare import NominatimID
getattr(context, 'http_headers', {})))
-@given(u'the HTTP header')
+@given('the HTTP header')
def add_http_header(context):
if not hasattr(context, 'http_headers'):
context.http_headers = {}
context.http_headers[h] = context.table[0][h]
-@when(u'sending (?P<fmt>\S+ )?search query "(?P<query>.*)"(?P<addr> with address)?')
+@when(r'sending (?P<fmt>\S+ )?search query "(?P<query>.*)"(?P<addr> with address)?')
def website_search_request(context, fmt, query, addr):
params = {}
if query:
context.response = SearchResponse(outp, fmt or 'json', status)
-@when('sending v1/reverse at (?P<lat>[\d.-]*),(?P<lon>[\d.-]*)(?: with format (?P<fmt>.+))?')
+@when(r'sending v1/reverse at (?P<lat>[\d.-]*),(?P<lon>[\d.-]*)(?: with format (?P<fmt>.+))?')
def api_endpoint_v1_reverse(context, lat, lon, fmt):
params = {}
if lat is not None:
context.response = ReverseResponse(outp, fmt or 'xml', status)
-@when('sending v1/reverse N(?P<nodeid>\d+)(?: with format (?P<fmt>.+))?')
+@when(r'sending v1/reverse N(?P<nodeid>\d+)(?: with format (?P<fmt>.+))?')
def api_endpoint_v1_reverse_from_node(context, nodeid, fmt):
params = {}
params['lon'], params['lat'] = (f'{c:f}' for c in context.osm.grid_node(int(nodeid)))
context.response = ReverseResponse(outp, fmt or 'xml', status)
-@when(u'sending (?P<fmt>\S+ )?details query for (?P<query>.*)')
+@when(r'sending (?P<fmt>\S+ )?details query for (?P<query>.*)')
def website_details_request(context, fmt, query):
params = {}
if query[0] in 'NWR':
context.response = GenericResponse(outp, fmt or 'json', status)
-@when(u'sending (?P<fmt>\S+ )?lookup query for (?P<query>.*)')
+@when(r'sending (?P<fmt>\S+ )?lookup query for (?P<query>.*)')
def website_lookup_request(context, fmt, query):
- params = { 'osm_ids' : query }
+ params = {'osm_ids': query}
outp, status = send_api_query('lookup', params, fmt, context)
context.response = SearchResponse(outp, fmt or 'xml', status)
-@when(u'sending (?P<fmt>\S+ )?status query')
+@when(r'sending (?P<fmt>\S+ )?status query')
def website_status_request(context, fmt):
params = {}
outp, status = send_api_query('status', params, fmt, context)
context.response = StatusResponse(outp, fmt or 'text', status)
-@step(u'(?P<operator>less than|more than|exactly|at least|at most) (?P<number>\d+) results? (?:is|are) returned')
+@step(r'(?P<operator>less than|more than|exactly|at least|at most) '
+ r'(?P<number>\d+) results? (?:is|are) returned')
def validate_result_number(context, operator, number):
context.execute_steps("Then a HTTP 200 is returned")
numres = len(context.response.result)
assert compare(operator, numres, int(number)), \
f"Bad number of results: expected {operator} {number}, got {numres}."
-@then(u'a HTTP (?P<status>\d+) is returned')
+@then(r'a HTTP (?P<status>\d+) is returned')
def check_http_return_status(context, status):
assert context.response.errorcode == int(status), \
f"Return HTTP status is {context.response.errorcode}."\
f" Full response:\n{context.response.page}"
-@then(u'the page contents equals "(?P<text>.+)"')
+@then(r'the page contents equals "(?P<text>.+)"')
def check_page_content_equals(context, text):
assert context.response.page == text
-@then(u'the result is valid (?P<fmt>\w+)')
+@then(r'the result is valid (?P<fmt>\w+)')
def step_impl(context, fmt):
context.execute_steps("Then a HTTP 200 is returned")
if fmt.strip() == 'html':
assert context.response.format == fmt
-@then(u'a (?P<fmt>\w+) user error is returned')
+@then(r'a (?P<fmt>\w+) user error is returned')
def check_page_error(context, fmt):
context.execute_steps("Then a HTTP 400 is returned")
assert context.response.format == fmt
assert re.search(r'({"error":)', context.response.page, re.DOTALL) is not None
-@then(u'result header contains')
+@then('result header contains')
def check_header_attr(context):
context.execute_steps("Then a HTTP 200 is returned")
for line in context.table:
assert line['attr'] in context.response.header, \
- f"Field '{line['attr']}' missing in header. Full header:\n{context.response.header}"
+ f"Field '{line['attr']}' missing in header. " \
+ f"Full header:\n{context.response.header}"
value = context.response.header[line['attr']]
assert re.fullmatch(line['value'], value) is not None, \
f"Attribute '{line['attr']}': expected: '{line['value']}', got '{value}'"
-@then(u'result header has (?P<neg>not )?attributes (?P<attrs>.*)')
+@then('result header has (?P<neg>not )?attributes (?P<attrs>.*)')
def check_header_no_attr(context, neg, attrs):
check_for_attributes(context.response.header, attrs,
'absent' if neg else 'present')
-@then(u'results contain(?: in field (?P<field>.*))?')
-def step_impl(context, field):
+@then(r'results contain(?: in field (?P<field>.*))?')
+def results_contain_in_field(context, field):
context.execute_steps("then at least 1 result is returned")
for line in context.table:
context.response.match_row(line, context=context, field=field)
-@then(u'result (?P<lid>\d+ )?has (?P<neg>not )?attributes (?P<attrs>.*)')
+@then(r'result (?P<lid>\d+ )?has (?P<neg>not )?attributes (?P<attrs>.*)')
def validate_attributes(context, lid, neg, attrs):
for i in make_todo_list(context, lid):
check_for_attributes(context.response.result[i], attrs,
@then(u'result addresses contain')
-def step_impl(context):
+def result_addresses_contain(context):
context.execute_steps("then at least 1 result is returned")
for line in context.table:
if name != 'ID':
context.response.assert_address_field(idx, name, value)
-@then(u'address of result (?P<lid>\d+) has(?P<neg> no)? types (?P<attrs>.*)')
-def check_address(context, lid, neg, attrs):
+@then(r'address of result (?P<lid>\d+) has(?P<neg> no)? types (?P<attrs>.*)')
+def check_address_has_types(context, lid, neg, attrs):
context.execute_steps(f"then more than {lid} results are returned")
addr_parts = context.response.result[int(lid)]['address']
assert attr in addr_parts
-@then(u'address of result (?P<lid>\d+) (?P<complete>is|contains)')
+@then(r'address of result (?P<lid>\d+) (?P<complete>is|contains)')
def check_address(context, lid, complete):
context.execute_steps(f"then more than {lid} results are returned")
assert len(addr_parts) == 0, f"Additional address parts found: {addr_parts!s}"
-@then(u'result (?P<lid>\d+ )?has bounding box in (?P<coords>[\d,.-]+)')
+@then(r'result (?P<lid>\d+ )?has bounding box in (?P<coords>[\d,.-]+)')
def check_bounding_box_in_area(context, lid, coords):
expected = Bbox(coords)
f"Bbox is not contained in {expected}")
-@then(u'result (?P<lid>\d+ )?has centroid in (?P<coords>[\d,.-]+)')
+@then(r'result (?P<lid>\d+ )?has centroid in (?P<coords>[\d,.-]+)')
def check_centroid_in_area(context, lid, coords):
expected = Bbox(coords)
f"Centroid is not inside {expected}")
-@then(u'there are(?P<neg> no)? duplicates')
+@then('there are(?P<neg> no)? duplicates')
def check_for_duplicates(context, neg):
context.execute_steps("then at least 1 result is returned")
assert not has_dupe, f"Found duplicate for {dup}"
assert has_dupe, "No duplicates found"