-But, it is also possible to import some phrases from a csv file.
-To do so, you have access to the following command:
+Special phrases may also be imported from any custom CSV file. The file needs
+to have a header line, use comma as delimiter and define the following
+ * **phrase**: the keyword to look for
+ * **class**: key of the main tag of the place to find
+ (see [Import styles](Import-Styles.md#how-processing-works)
+ * **type**: value of the main tag
+ * **operator**: type of special phrase, may be one of:
+ * *in*: place is within the place defined by the search term (e.g. "_Hotels in_ Berlin")
+ * *near*: place is near the place defined by the search term (e.g. "_bus stops near_ Big Ben")
+ * *named*: special phrase is a classifier (e.g. "_hotel_ California")
+ * *-*: unspecified, can be any of the above
+If the file contains any other columns, then they are silently ignored
+To import the CSV file, use the following command: