Feature: Simple Tests
Simple tests for internal server errors and response format.
| querystring | pub |
| viewbox | 12,33,77,45.13 |
- Scenario: Empty XML search with exluded place ids
+ Scenario: Empty XML search with excluded place ids
When sending xml search query "jghrleoxsbwjer"
| exclude_place_ids |
| 123,76,342565 |
| attr | value |
| exclude_place_ids | 123,76,342565 |
- Scenario: Empty XML search with bad exluded place ids
+ Scenario: Empty XML search with bad excluded place ids
When sending xml search query "jghrleoxsbwjer"
| exclude_place_ids |
| , |
| foo | foo |
| FOO | FOO |
| __world | __world |
- | $me | \$me |
- | m1[4] | m1\[4\] |
- | d_r[$d] | d_r\[\$d\] |
Scenario Outline: Wrapping of illegal jsonp search requests
When sending json search query "Tokyo"