+ #Used to check that correct place_classtype table already in the datase before is still there.
+ query_existing_table = """
+ SELECT table_name
+ FROM information_schema.tables
+ WHERE table_schema='public'
+ AND table_name = 'place_classtype_amenity_animal_shelter';
+ """
+ queries_tests.add((query_existing_table, True))
+ #Used to check that wrong place_classtype table was deleted from the database.
+ query_wrong_table = """
+ SELECT table_name
+ FROM information_schema.tables
+ WHERE table_schema='public'
+ AND table_name = 'place_classtype_wrongclass_wrongtype';
+ """
+ if should_replace:
+ queries_tests.add((query_wrong_table, False))
+ with temp_db_conn.cursor() as temp_db_cursor:
+ for query in queries_tests:
+ temp_db_cursor.execute(query[0])
+ if (query[1] == True):
+ assert temp_db_cursor.fetchone()
+ else:
+ assert not temp_db_cursor.fetchone()
+def mock_get_wiki_content(self, lang):