## 3.5.0 -> master
+### Removal of html output
+The debugging UI is no longer directly provided with Nominatim. Instead we
+now provide a simple Javascript application. Please refer to
+[Setting up the Nominatim UI](../Setup-Nominatim-UI) for details on how to
+set up the UI.
+The icons served together with the API responses have been moved to the
+nominatim-ui project as well. If you want to keep the `icon` field in the
+response, you need to set `CONST_MapIcon_URL` to the URL of the `/mapicon`
+directory of nominatim-ui.
### Change order during indexing
When reindexing places during updates, there is now a different order used
* download the new Wikipedia tables as described in the import section
* reimport the tables: `./utils/setup.php --import-wikipedia-articles`
* update the functions: `./utils/setup.php --create-functions --enable-diff-updates`
+ * create a new lookup index:
+CREATE INDEX idx_placex_wikidata on placex
+USING BTREE ((extratags -> 'wikidata'))
+WHERE extratags ? 'wikidata' and class = 'place' and osm_type = 'N' and rank_search < 26
* compute importance: `./utils/update.php --recompute-importance`
The last step takes about 10 hours on the full planet.