protected $aLangPrefOrder = array();
- protected $bShowAddressDetails = true;
function ReverseGeocode(&$oDB)
$this->oDB =& $oDB;
$this->aLangPrefOrder = $aLangPref;
- function setIncludeAddressDetails($bAddressDetails = true)
- {
- $this->bAddressDetails = $bAddressDetails;
- }
function setLatLon($fLat, $fLon)
$this->fLat = (float)$fLat;
$sSQL .= ' WHERE ST_DWithin('.$sPointSQL.', geometry, '.$fSearchDiam.')';
$sSQL .= ' and rank_search != 28 and rank_search >= '.$iMaxRank;
$sSQL .= ' and (name is not null or housenumber is not null)';
- $sSQL .= ' and class not in (\'waterway\',\'railway\',\'tunnel\',\'bridge\')';
+ $sSQL .= ' and class not in (\'waterway\',\'railway\',\'tunnel\',\'bridge\',\'man_made\')';
$sSQL .= ' and indexed_status = 0 ';
$sSQL .= ' and (ST_GeometryType(geometry) not in (\'ST_Polygon\',\'ST_MultiPolygon\') ';
$sSQL .= ' OR ST_DWithin('.$sPointSQL.', centroid, '.$fSearchDiam.'))';
- $oPlaceLookup = new PlaceLookup($this->oDB);
- $oPlaceLookup->setLanguagePreference($this->aLangPrefOrder);
- $oPlaceLookup->setIncludeAddressDetails($this->bAddressDetails);
- $oPlaceLookup->setPlaceId($iPlaceID);
- $oPlaceLookup->setIsTiger($bPlaceIsTiger);
- return $oPlaceLookup->lookup();
+ return array('place_id' => $iPlaceID,
+ 'type' => $bPlaceIsTiger ? 'tiger' : 'osm');