+FEATURE_TYPE_TO_RANK: Dict[Optional[str], Any] = {
+ 'country': (4, 4),
+ 'state': (8, 8),
+ 'city': (14, 16),
+ 'settlement': (8, 20)
+def feature_type_to_rank(feature_type: Optional[str]) -> Tuple[int, int]:
+ """ Convert a feature type parameter to a tuple of
+ feature type name, minimum rank and maximum rank.
+ """
+ return FEATURE_TYPE_TO_RANK.get(feature_type, (0, 30))
+#pylint: disable=too-many-arguments,too-many-branches
+def extend_query_parts(queryparts: Dict[str, Any], details: Dict[str, Any],
+ feature_type: Optional[str],
+ namedetails: bool, extratags: bool,
+ excluded: Iterable[str]) -> None:
+ """ Add parameters from details dictionary to the query parts
+ dictionary which is suitable as URL parameter dictionary.
+ """
+ parsed = SearchDetails.from_kwargs(details)
+ if parsed.geometry_output != GeometryFormat.NONE:
+ if parsed.geometry_output & GeometryFormat.GEOJSON:
+ queryparts['polygon_geojson'] = '1'
+ if parsed.geometry_output & GeometryFormat.KML:
+ queryparts['polygon_kml'] = '1'
+ if parsed.geometry_output & GeometryFormat.SVG:
+ queryparts['polygon_svg'] = '1'
+ if parsed.geometry_output & GeometryFormat.TEXT:
+ queryparts['polygon_text'] = '1'
+ if parsed.address_details:
+ queryparts['addressdetails'] = '1'
+ if namedetails:
+ queryparts['namedetails'] = '1'
+ if extratags:
+ queryparts['extratags'] = '1'
+ if parsed.geometry_simplification > 0.0:
+ queryparts['polygon_threshold'] = f"{parsed.geometry_simplification:.6g}"
+ if parsed.max_results != 10:
+ queryparts['limit'] = str(parsed.max_results)
+ if parsed.countries:
+ queryparts['countrycodes'] = ','.join(parsed.countries)
+ queryparts['exclude_place_ids'] = \
+ ','.join(chain(excluded, map(str, parsed.excluded)))
+ if parsed.viewbox:
+ queryparts['viewbox'] = ','.join(f"{c:.7g}" for c in parsed.viewbox.coords)
+ if parsed.bounded_viewbox:
+ queryparts['bounded'] = '1'
+ if not details['dedupe']:
+ queryparts['dedupe'] = '0'
+ if feature_type in FEATURE_TYPE_TO_RANK:
+ queryparts['featureType'] = feature_type
+def deduplicate_results(results: SearchResults, max_results: int) -> SearchResults:
+ """ Remove results that look like duplicates.
+ Two results are considered the same if they have the same OSM ID
+ or if they have the same category, display name and rank.
+ """
+ osm_ids_done = set()
+ classification_done = set()
+ deduped = SearchResults()
+ for result in results:
+ if result.source_table == SourceTable.POSTCODE:
+ assert result.names and 'ref' in result.names
+ if any(_is_postcode_relation_for(r, result.names['ref']) for r in results):
+ continue
+ classification = (result.osm_object[0] if result.osm_object else None,
+ result.category,
+ result.display_name,
+ result.rank_address)
+ if result.osm_object not in osm_ids_done \
+ and classification not in classification_done:
+ deduped.append(result)
+ osm_ids_done.add(result.osm_object)
+ classification_done.add(classification)
+ if len(deduped) >= max_results:
+ break
+ return deduped
+def _is_postcode_relation_for(result: SearchResult, postcode: str) -> bool:
+ return result.source_table == SourceTable.PLACEX \
+ and result.osm_object is not None \
+ and result.osm_object[0] == 'R' \
+ and result.category == ('boundary', 'postal_code') \
+ and result.names is not None \
+ and result.names.get('ref') == postcode
+def _deg(axis:str) -> str:
+ return f"(?P<{axis}_deg>\\d+\\.\\d+)°?"
+def _deg_min(axis: str) -> str:
+ return f"(?P<{axis}_deg>\\d+)[°\\s]+(?P<{axis}_min>[\\d.]+)?[′']*"
+def _deg_min_sec(axis: str) -> str:
+ return f"(?P<{axis}_deg>\\d+)[°\\s]+(?P<{axis}_min>\\d+)[′'\\s]+(?P<{axis}_sec>[\\d.]+)?[\"″]*"
+COORD_REGEX = [re.compile(r'(?:(?P<pre>.*?)\s+)??' + r + r'(?:\s+(?P<post>.*))?') for r in (
+ r"(?P<ns>[NS])\s*" + _deg('lat') + r"[\s,]+" + r"(?P<ew>[EW])\s*" + _deg('lon'),
+ _deg('lat') + r"\s*(?P<ns>[NS])[\s,]+" + _deg('lon') + r"\s*(?P<ew>[EW])",
+ r"(?P<ns>[NS])\s*" + _deg_min('lat') + r"[\s,]+" + r"(?P<ew>[EW])\s*" + _deg_min('lon'),
+ _deg_min('lat') + r"\s*(?P<ns>[NS])[\s,]+" + _deg_min('lon') + r"\s*(?P<ew>[EW])",
+ r"(?P<ns>[NS])\s*" + _deg_min_sec('lat') + r"[\s,]+" + r"(?P<ew>[EW])\s*" + _deg_min_sec('lon'),
+ _deg_min_sec('lat') + r"\s*(?P<ns>[NS])[\s,]+" + _deg_min_sec('lon') + r"\s*(?P<ew>[EW])",
+ r"\[?(?P<lat_deg>[+-]?\d+\.\d+)[\s,]+(?P<lon_deg>[+-]?\d+\.\d+)\]?"
+def extract_coords_from_query(query: str) -> Tuple[str, Optional[float], Optional[float]]:
+ """ Look for something that is formated like a coordinate at the
+ beginning or end of the query. If found, extract the coordinate and
+ return the remaining query (or the empty string if the query
+ consisted of nothing but a coordinate).
+ Only the first match will be returned.
+ """
+ for regex in COORD_REGEX:
+ match = regex.fullmatch(query)
+ if match is None:
+ continue
+ groups = match.groupdict()
+ if not groups['pre'] or not groups['post']:
+ x = float(groups['lon_deg']) \
+ + float(groups.get('lon_min', 0.0)) / 60.0 \
+ + float(groups.get('lon_sec', 0.0)) / 3600.0
+ if groups.get('ew') == 'W':
+ x = -x
+ y = float(groups['lat_deg']) \
+ + float(groups.get('lat_min', 0.0)) / 60.0 \
+ + float(groups.get('lat_sec', 0.0)) / 3600.0
+ if groups.get('ns') == 'S':
+ y = -y
+ return groups['pre'] or groups['post'] or '', x, y
+ return query, None, None
+CATEGORY_REGEX = re.compile(r'(?P<pre>.*?)\[(?P<cls>[a-zA-Z_]+)=(?P<typ>[a-zA-Z_]+)\](?P<post>.*)')
+def extract_category_from_query(query: str) -> Tuple[str, Optional[str], Optional[str]]:
+ """ Extract a hidden category specification of the form '[key=value]' from
+ the query. If found, extract key and value and
+ return the remaining query (or the empty string if the query
+ consisted of nothing but a category).
+ Only the first match will be returned.
+ """
+ match = CATEGORY_REGEX.search(query)
+ if match is not None:
+ return (match.group('pre').strip() + ' ' + match.group('post').strip()).strip(), \
+ match.group('cls'), match.group('typ')
+ return query, None, None