+ require_once(CONST_BasePath.'/lib/PlaceLookup.php');
class Geocode
protected $oDB;
foreach($aSearchResults as $iResNum => $aResult)
// Default
- $fDiameter = 0.0001;
- if (isset($aClassType[$aResult['class'].':'.$aResult['type'].':'.$aResult['admin_level']]['defdiameter'])
- && $aClassType[$aResult['class'].':'.$aResult['type'].':'.$aResult['admin_level']]['defdiameter'])
- {
- $fDiameter = $aClassType[$aResult['class'].':'.$aResult['type'].':'.$aResult['admin_level']]['defdiameter'];
- }
- elseif (isset($aClassType[$aResult['class'].':'.$aResult['type']]['defdiameter'])
- && $aClassType[$aResult['class'].':'.$aResult['type']]['defdiameter'])
+ $fDiameter = getResultDiameter($aResult);
+ $oPlaceLookup = new PlaceLookup($this->oDB);
+ $oPlaceLookup->setIncludePolygonAsPoints($this->bIncludePolygonAsPoints);
+ $oPlaceLookup->setIncludePolygonAsText($this->bIncludePolygonAsText);
+ $oPlaceLookup->setIncludePolygonAsGeoJSON($this->bIncludePolygonAsGeoJSON);
+ $oPlaceLookup->setIncludePolygonAsKML($this->bIncludePolygonAsKML);
+ $oPlaceLookup->setIncludePolygonAsSVG($this->bIncludePolygonAsSVG);
+ $oPlaceLookup->setPolygonSimplificationThreshold($this->fPolygonSimplificationThreshold);
+ $aOutlineResult = $oPlaceLookup->getOutlines($aResult['place_id'], $aResult['lon'], $aResult['lat'], $fDiameter/2);
+ foreach($aOutlineResult as $k => $v)
- $fDiameter = $aClassType[$aResult['class'].':'.$aResult['type']]['defdiameter'];
- }
- $fRadius = $fDiameter / 2;
- if (CONST_Search_AreaPolygons)
- {
- // Get the bounding box and outline polygon
- $sSQL = "select place_id,0 as numfeatures,st_area(geometry) as area,";
- $sSQL .= "ST_Y(centroid) as centrelat,ST_X(centroid) as centrelon,";
- $sSQL .= "ST_YMin(geometry) as minlat,ST_YMax(geometry) as maxlat,";
- $sSQL .= "ST_XMin(geometry) as minlon,ST_XMax(geometry) as maxlon";
- if ($this->bIncludePolygonAsGeoJSON) $sSQL .= ",ST_AsGeoJSON(geometry) as asgeojson";
- if ($this->bIncludePolygonAsKML) $sSQL .= ",ST_AsKML(geometry) as askml";
- if ($this->bIncludePolygonAsSVG) $sSQL .= ",ST_AsSVG(geometry) as assvg";
- if ($this->bIncludePolygonAsText || $this->bIncludePolygonAsPoints) $sSQL .= ",ST_AsText(geometry) as astext";
- $sFrom = " from placex where place_id = ".$aResult['place_id'];
- if ($this->fPolygonSimplificationThreshold > 0)
- {
- $sSQL .= " from (select place_id,centroid,ST_SimplifyPreserveTopology(geometry,".$this->fPolygonSimplificationThreshold.") as geometry".$sFrom.") as plx";
- }
- else
- {
- $sSQL .= $sFrom;
- }
- $aPointPolygon = $this->oDB->getRow($sSQL);
- if (PEAR::IsError($aPointPolygon))
- {
- failInternalError("Could not get outline.", $sSQL, $aPointPolygon);
- }
- if ($aPointPolygon['place_id'])
- {
- if ($this->bIncludePolygonAsGeoJSON) $aResult['asgeojson'] = $aPointPolygon['asgeojson'];
- if ($this->bIncludePolygonAsKML) $aResult['askml'] = $aPointPolygon['askml'];
- if ($this->bIncludePolygonAsSVG) $aResult['assvg'] = $aPointPolygon['assvg'];
- if ($this->bIncludePolygonAsText) $aResult['astext'] = $aPointPolygon['astext'];
- if ($aPointPolygon['centrelon'] !== null && $aPointPolygon['centrelat'] !== null )
- {
- $aResult['lat'] = $aPointPolygon['centrelat'];
- $aResult['lon'] = $aPointPolygon['centrelon'];
- }
- if ($this->bIncludePolygonAsPoints)
- {
- $aPolyPoints[] = geometryText2Points($aPointPolygon['astext'],$fRadius);
- // Output data suitable for display (points and a bounding box)
- if (isset($aPolyPoints))
- {
- $aResult['aPolyPoints'] = array();
- foreach($aPolyPoints as $aPoint)
- {
- $aResult['aPolyPoints'][] = array($aPoint[1], $aPoint[2]);
- }
- }
- }
- if (abs($aPointPolygon['minlat'] - $aPointPolygon['maxlat']) < 0.0000001)
- {
- $aPointPolygon['minlat'] = $aPointPolygon['minlat'] - $fRadius;
- $aPointPolygon['maxlat'] = $aPointPolygon['maxlat'] + $fRadius;
- }
- if (abs($aPointPolygon['minlon'] - $aPointPolygon['maxlon']) < 0.0000001)
- {
- $aPointPolygon['minlon'] = $aPointPolygon['minlon'] - $fRadius;
- $aPointPolygon['maxlon'] = $aPointPolygon['maxlon'] + $fRadius;
- }
- $aResult['aBoundingBox'] = array((string)$aPointPolygon['minlat'],(string)$aPointPolygon['maxlat'],(string)$aPointPolygon['minlon'],(string)$aPointPolygon['maxlon']);
- }
+ $aResult[$k] = $v;
if ($aResult['extra_place'] == 'city')
$aResult['rank_search'] = 16;
- if (!isset($aResult['aBoundingBox']))
- {
- $iSteps = max(8,min(100,$fRadius * 3.14 * 100000));
- $fStepSize = (2*pi())/$iSteps;
- $aPointPolygon['minlat'] = $aResult['lat'] - $fRadius;
- $aPointPolygon['maxlat'] = $aResult['lat'] + $fRadius;
- $aPointPolygon['minlon'] = $aResult['lon'] - $fRadius;
- $aPointPolygon['maxlon'] = $aResult['lon'] + $fRadius;
- // Output data suitable for display (points and a bounding box)
- if ($this->bIncludePolygonAsPoints)
- {
- $aPolyPoints = array();
- for($f = 0; $f < 2*pi(); $f += $fStepSize)
- {
- $aPolyPoints[] = array('',$aResult['lon']+($fRadius*sin($f)),$aResult['lat']+($fRadius*cos($f)));
- }
- $aResult['aPolyPoints'] = array();
- foreach($aPolyPoints as $aPoint)
- {
- $aResult['aPolyPoints'][] = array($aPoint[1], $aPoint[2]);
- }
- }
- $aResult['aBoundingBox'] = array((string)$aPointPolygon['minlat'],(string)$aPointPolygon['maxlat'],(string)$aPointPolygon['minlon'],(string)$aPointPolygon['maxlon']);
- }
// Is there an icon set for this type of result?
if (isset($aClassType[$aResult['class'].':'.$aResult['type']]['icon'])
&& $aClassType[$aResult['class'].':'.$aResult['type']]['icon'])