Functions to facilitate accessing and comparing the content of DB tables.
import re
+import json
+from steps.check_functions import Almost
ID_REGEX = re.compile(r"(?P<typ>[NRW])(?P<oid>\d+)(:(?P<cls>\w+))?")
where += ' and class = %s'
- return cur.execute(query.format(where), params)
+ cur.execute(query.format(where), params)
- def query_place_id(self, cur, query):
- """ Run a query on cursor `cur` using the place ID. The `query` string
- must contain exactly one placeholder '%s' where the 'where' query
- should go.
+ def row_by_place_id(self, cur, table, extra_columns=None):
+ """ Get a row by place_id from the given table using cursor `cur`.
+ extra_columns may contain a list additional elements for the select
+ part of the query.
pid = self.get_place_id(cur)
- return cur.execute(query, (pid, ))
+ query = "SELECT {} FROM {} WHERE place_id = %s".format(
+ ','.join(['*'] + (extra_columns or [])), table)
+ cur.execute(query, (pid, ))
def get_place_id(self, cur):
""" Look up the place id for the ID. Throws an assertion if the ID
"Place ID {!s} not unique. Found {} entries.".format(self, cur.rowcount)
return cur.fetchone()[0]
+class DBRow:
+ """ Represents a row from a database and offers comparison functions.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, nid, db_row, context):
+ self.nid = nid
+ self.db_row = db_row
+ self.context = context
+ def assert_row(self, row, exclude_columns):
+ """ Check that all columns of the given behave row are contained
+ in the database row. Exclude behave rows with the names given
+ in the `exclude_columns` list.
+ """
+ for name, value in zip(row.headings, row.cells):
+ if name not in exclude_columns:
+ assert self.contains(name, value), self.assert_msg(name, value)
+ def contains(self, name, expected):
+ """ Check that the DB row contains a column `name` with the given value.
+ """
+ if '+' in name:
+ column, field = name.split('+', 1)
+ return self._contains_hstore_value(column, field, expected)
+ if name == 'geometry':
+ return self._has_geometry(expected)
+ if name not in self.db_row:
+ return False
+ actual = self.db_row[name]
+ if expected == '-':
+ return actual is None
+ if name == 'name' and ':' not in expected:
+ return self._compare_column(actual[name], expected)
+ if 'place_id' in name:
+ return self._compare_place_id(actual, expected)
+ if name == 'centroid':
+ return self._has_centroid(expected)
+ return self._compare_column(actual, expected)
+ def _contains_hstore_value(self, column, field, expected):
+ if column == 'addr':
+ column = 'address'
+ if column not in self.db_row:
+ return False
+ if expected == '-':
+ return self.db_row[column] is None or field not in self.db_row[column]
+ if self.db_row[column] is None:
+ return False
+ return self._compare_column(self.db_row[column].get(field), expected)
+ def _compare_column(self, actual, expected):
+ if isinstance(actual, dict):
+ return actual == eval('{' + expected + '}')
+ return str(actual) == expected
+ def _compare_place_id(self, actual, expected):
+ if expected == '0':
+ return actual == 0
+ with self.context.db.cursor() as cur:
+ return NominatimID(expected).get_place_id(cur) == actual
+ def _has_centroid(self, expected):
+ if expected == 'in geometry':
+ with self.context.db.cursor() as cur:
+ cur.execute("""SELECT ST_Within(ST_SetSRID(ST_Point({cx}, {cy}), 4326),
+ ST_SetSRID('{geomtxt}'::geometry, 4326))""".format(**self.db_row))
+ return cur.fetchone()[0]
+ x, y = expected.split(' ')
+ return Almost(float(x)) == self.db_row['cx'] and Almost(float(y)) == self.db_row['cy']
+ def _has_geometry(self, expected):
+ geom = self.context.osm.parse_geometry(expected, self.context.scene)
+ with self.context.db.cursor() as cur:
+ cur.execute("""SELECT ST_Equals(ST_SnapToGrid({}, 0.00001, 0.00001),
+ ST_SnapToGrid(ST_SetSRID('{}'::geometry, 4326), 0.00001, 0.00001))""".format(
+ geom, self.db_row['geomtxt']))
+ return cur.fetchone()[0]
+ def assert_msg(self, name, value):
+ """ Return a string with an informative message for a failed compare.
+ """
+ msg = "\nBad column '{}' in row '{!s}'.".format(name, self.nid)
+ actual = self._get_actual(name)
+ if actual is not None:
+ msg += " Expected: {}, got: {}.".format(value, actual)
+ else:
+ msg += " No such column."
+ return msg + "\nFull DB row: {}".format(json.dumps(dict(self.db_row), indent=4, default=str))
+ def _get_actual(self, name):
+ if '+' in name:
+ column, field = name.split('+', 1)
+ if column == 'addr':
+ column = 'address'
+ return (self.db_row.get(column) or {}).get(field)
+ if name == 'geometry':
+ return self.db_row['geomtxt']
+ if name not in self.db_row:
+ return None
+ if name == 'centroid':
+ return "POINT({cx} {cy})".format(**self.db_row)
+ actual = self.db_row[name]
+ if 'place_id' in name:
+ if actual is None:
+ return '<null>'
+ if actual == 0:
+ return "place ID 0"
+ with self.context.db.cursor():
+ cur.execute("""SELECT osm_type, osm_id, class
+ FROM placex WHERE place_id = %s""",
+ (actual, ))
+ if cur.rowcount == 1:
+ return "{0[0]}{0[1]}:{0[2]}".format(cur.fetchone())
+ return "[place ID {} not found]".format(actual)
+ return actual