protected $bBoundedSearch = false;
protected $aViewBox = false;
+ protected $sViewboxCentreSQL = false;
protected $sViewboxSmallSQL = false;
protected $sViewboxLargeSQL = false;
- protected $aRoutePoints = false;
protected $iMaxRank = 20;
protected $iMinAddressRank = 0;
$this->aLangPrefOrder = $aLangPref;
- function setIncludeAddressDetails($bAddressDetails = true)
- {
- $this->bIncludeAddressDetails = (bool)$bAddressDetails;
- }
function getIncludeAddressDetails()
return $this->bIncludeAddressDetails;
$this->bIncludePolygonAsPoints = $b;
- function getIncludePolygonAsPoints()
- {
- return $this->bIncludePolygonAsPoints;
- }
function setIncludePolygonAsText($b = true)
$this->bIncludePolygonAsText = $b;
- function getIncludePolygonAsText()
- {
- return $this->bIncludePolygonAsText;
- }
function setIncludePolygonAsGeoJSON($b = true)
$this->bIncludePolygonAsGeoJSON = $b;
$this->fPolygonSimplificationThreshold = $f;
- function setDeDupe($bDeDupe = true)
- {
- $this->bDeDupe = (bool)$bDeDupe;
- }
function setLimit($iLimit = 10)
if ($iLimit > 50) $iLimit = 50;
if ($iLimit < 1) $iLimit = 1;
$this->iFinalLimit = $iLimit;
- $this->iLimit = $this->iFinalLimit + min($this->iFinalLimit, 10);
- }
- function setOffset($iOffset = 0)
- {
- $this->iOffset = $iOffset;
- }
- function setFallback($bFallback = true)
- {
- $this->bFallback = (bool)$bFallback;
- }
- function setExcludedPlaceIDs($a)
- {
- // TODO: force to int
- $this->aExcludePlaceIDs = $a;
+ $this->iLimit = $iLimit + min($iLimit, 10);
function getExcludedPlaceIDs()
return $this->aExcludePlaceIDs;
- function setBounded($bBoundedSearch = true)
- {
- $this->bBoundedSearch = (bool)$bBoundedSearch;
- }
- function setViewBox($fLeft, $fBottom, $fRight, $fTop)
- {
- $this->aViewBox = array($fLeft, $fBottom, $fRight, $fTop);
- }
function getViewBoxString()
if (!$this->aViewBox) return null;
return $this->aViewBox[0].','.$this->aViewBox[3].','.$this->aViewBox[2].','.$this->aViewBox[1];
- function setRoute($aRoutePoints)
- {
- $this->aRoutePoints = $aRoutePoints;
- }
function setFeatureType($sFeatureType)
function setRankRange($iMin, $iMax)
- $this->iMinAddressRank = (int)$iMin;
- $this->iMaxAddressRank = (int)$iMax;
+ $this->iMinAddressRank = $iMin;
+ $this->iMaxAddressRank = $iMax;
- function setNearPoint($aNearPoint, $fRadiusDeg = 0.1)
+ function setRoute($aRoutePoints, $fRouteWidth)
- $this->aNearPoint = array((float)$aNearPoint[0], (float)$aNearPoint[1], (float)$fRadiusDeg);
+ $this->aViewBox = false;
+ $this->sViewboxCentreSQL = "ST_SetSRID('LINESTRING(";
+ $sSep = '';
+ foreach($this->aRoutePoints as $aPoint)
+ {
+ $fPoint = (float)$aPoint;
+ $this->sViewboxCentreSQL .= $sSep.$fPoint;
+ $sSep = ($sSep == ' ') ? ',' : ' ';
+ }
+ $this->sViewboxCentreSQL .= ")'::geometry,4326)";
+ $this->sViewboxSmallSQL = 'st_buffer('.$this->sViewboxCentreSQL;
+ $this->sViewboxSmallSQL .= ','.($fRouteWidth/69).')';
+ $this->sViewboxLargeSQL = 'st_buffer('.$this->sViewboxCentreSQL;
+ $this->sViewboxLargeSQL .= ','.($fRouteWidth/30).')';
- function setCountryCodesList($aCountryCodes)
+ function setViewbox($aViewbox)
- $this->aCountryCodes = $aCountryCodes;
+ $this->aViewBox = array_map('floatval', $aViewbox);
+ $fHeight = $this->aViewBox[0] - $this->aViewBox[2];
+ $fWidth = $this->aViewBox[1] - $this->aViewBox[3];
+ $aBigViewBox[0] = $this->aViewBox[0] + $fHeight;
+ $aBigViewBox[2] = $this->aViewBox[2] - $fHeight;
+ $aBigViewBox[1] = $this->aViewBox[1] + $fWidth;
+ $aBigViewBox[3] = $this->aViewBox[3] - $fWidth;
+ $this->sViewboxCentreSQL = false;
+ $this->sViewboxSmallSQL = "ST_SetSRID(ST_MakeBox2D(ST_Point(".$this->aViewBox[0].",".$this->aViewBox[1]."),ST_Point(".$this->aViewBox[2].",".$this->aViewBox[3].")),4326)";
+ $this->sViewboxLargeSQL = "ST_SetSRID(ST_MakeBox2D(ST_Point(".$aBigViewBox[0].",".$aBigViewBox[1]."),ST_Point(".$aBigViewBox[2].",".$aBigViewBox[3].")),4326)";
+ }
+ function setNearPoint($aNearPoint, $fRadiusDeg = 0.1)
+ {
+ $this->aNearPoint = array((float)$aNearPoint[0], (float)$aNearPoint[1], (float)$fRadiusDeg);
function setQuery($sQueryString)
- function loadParamArray($aParams)
+ function loadParamArray($oParams)
- if (isset($aParams['addressdetails'])) $this->bIncludeAddressDetails = (bool)$aParams['addressdetails'];
- if (isset($aParams['extratags'])) $this->bIncludeExtraTags = (bool)$aParams['extratags'];
- if (isset($aParams['namedetails'])) $this->bIncludeNameDetails = (bool)$aParams['namedetails'];
+ $this->bIncludeAddressDetails = $oParams->getBool('addressdetails',
+ $this->bIncludeAddressDetails);
+ $this->bIncludeExtraTags = $oParams->getBool('extratags',
+ $this->bIncludeExtraTags);
+ $this->bIncludeNameDetails = $oParams->getBool('namedetails',
+ $this->bIncludeNameDetails);
- if (isset($aParams['bounded'])) $this->bBoundedSearch = (bool)$aParams['bounded'];
- if (isset($aParams['dedupe'])) $this->bDeDupe = (bool)$aParams['dedupe'];
+ $this->bBoundedSearch = $oParams->getBool('bounded', $this->bBoundedSearch);
+ $this->bDeDupe = $oParams->getBool('dedupe', $this->bDeDupe);
- if (isset($aParams['limit'])) $this->setLimit((int)$aParams['limit']);
- if (isset($aParams['offset'])) $this->iOffset = (int)$aParams['offset'];
+ $this->setLimit($oParams->getInt('limit', $this->iFinalLimit));
+ $this->iOffset = $oParams->getInt('offset', $this->iOffset);
- if (isset($aParams['fallback'])) $this->bFallback = (bool)$aParams['fallback'];
+ $this->bFallback = $oParams->getBool('fallback', $this->bFallback);
// List of excluded Place IDs - used for more acurate pageing
- if (isset($aParams['exclude_place_ids']) && $aParams['exclude_place_ids'])
+ $sExcluded = $oParams->getStringList('exclude_place_ids');
+ if ($sExcluded)
- foreach(explode(',',$aParams['exclude_place_ids']) as $iExcludedPlaceID)
+ foreach($sExcluded as $iExcludedPlaceID)
$iExcludedPlaceID = (int)$iExcludedPlaceID;
if ($iExcludedPlaceID)
// Only certain ranks of feature
- if (isset($aParams['featureType'])) $this->setFeatureType($aParams['featureType']);
- if (isset($aParams['featuretype'])) $this->setFeatureType($aParams['featuretype']);
+ $sFeatureType = $oParams->getString('featureType');
+ if (!$sFeatureType) $sFeatureType = $oParams->getString('featuretype');
+ if ($sFeatureType) $this->setFeatureType($sFeatureType);
// Country code list
- if (isset($aParams['countrycodes']))
+ $sCountries = $oParams->getStringList('countrycodes');
+ if ($sCountries)
- $aCountryCodes = array();
- foreach(explode(',',$aParams['countrycodes']) as $sCountryCode)
+ foreach($sCountries as $sCountryCode)
if (preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z]$/', $sCountryCode))
- $aCountryCodes[] = strtolower($sCountryCode);
+ $aCountries[] = strtolower($sCountryCode);
- $this->aCountryCodes = $aCountryCodes;
+ if (isset($aCountryCodes))
+ $this->aCountryCodes = $aCountries;
- if (isset($aParams['viewboxlbrt']) && $aParams['viewboxlbrt'])
+ $aViewbox = $oParams->getStringList('viewboxlbrt');
+ if ($aViewbox)
- $aCoOrdinatesLBRT = explode(',',$aParams['viewboxlbrt']);
- $this->setViewBox($aCoOrdinatesLBRT[0], $aCoOrdinatesLBRT[1], $aCoOrdinatesLBRT[2], $aCoOrdinatesLBRT[3]);
+ $this->setViewbox($aViewbox);
- else if (isset($aParams['viewbox']) && $aParams['viewbox'])
- {
- $aCoOrdinatesLTRB = explode(',',$aParams['viewbox']);
- $this->setViewBox($aCoOrdinatesLTRB[0], $aCoOrdinatesLTRB[3], $aCoOrdinatesLTRB[2], $aCoOrdinatesLTRB[1]);
- }
- if (isset($aParams['route']) && $aParams['route'] && isset($aParams['routewidth']) && $aParams['routewidth'])
+ else
- $aPoints = explode(',',$aParams['route']);
- if (sizeof($aPoints) % 2 != 0)
+ $aViewbox = $oParams->getStringList('viewbox');
+ if ($aViewbox)
- userError("Uneven number of points");
- exit;
+ $this->setViewBox(array($aViewbox[0], $aViewbox[3],
+ $aViewbox[2], $aViewbox[1]));
- $fPrevCoord = false;
- $aRoute = array();
- foreach($aPoints as $i => $fPoint)
+ else
- if ($i%2)
- {
- $aRoute[] = array((float)$fPoint, $fPrevCoord);
- }
- else
+ $aRoute = $oParams->getStringList('route');
+ $fRouteWidth = $oParams->getFloat('routewidth');
+ if ($aRoute && $fRouteWidth)
- $fPrevCoord = (float)$fPoint;
+ $this->setRoute($aRoute, $fRouteWidth);
- $this->aRoutePoints = $aRoute;
- function setQueryFromParams($aParams)
+ function setQueryFromParams($oParams)
// Search query
- $sQuery = (isset($aParams['q'])?trim($aParams['q']):'');
+ $sQuery = $oParams->getString('q');
if (!$sQuery)
- $this->setStructuredQuery(@$aParams['amenity'], @$aParams['street'], @$aParams['city'], @$aParams['county'], @$aParams['state'], @$aParams['country'], @$aParams['postalcode']);
+ $this->setStructuredQuery($oParams->getString('amenity'),
+ $oParams->getString('street'),
+ $oParams->getString('city'),
+ $oParams->getString('county'),
+ $oParams->getString('state'),
+ $oParams->getString('country'),
+ $oParams->getString('postalcode'));
$sLanguagePrefArraySQL = "ARRAY[".join(',',array_map("getDBQuoted",$this->aLangPrefOrder))."]";
$sCountryCodesSQL = false;
- if ($this->aCountryCodes && sizeof($this->aCountryCodes))
+ if ($this->aCountryCodes)
$sCountryCodesSQL = join(',', array_map('addQuotes', $this->aCountryCodes));
$sQuery = preg_replace('/(^|,)\s*la\s*(,|$)/','\1louisiana\2', $sQuery);
- // View Box SQL
- $sViewboxCentreSQL = false;
- $bBoundingBoxSearch = false;
- if ($this->aViewBox)
- {
- $fHeight = $this->aViewBox[0]-$this->aViewBox[2];
- $fWidth = $this->aViewBox[1]-$this->aViewBox[3];
- $aBigViewBox[0] = $this->aViewBox[0] + $fHeight;
- $aBigViewBox[2] = $this->aViewBox[2] - $fHeight;
- $aBigViewBox[1] = $this->aViewBox[1] + $fWidth;
- $aBigViewBox[3] = $this->aViewBox[3] - $fWidth;
- $this->sViewboxSmallSQL = "ST_SetSRID(ST_MakeBox2D(ST_Point(".(float)$this->aViewBox[0].",".(float)$this->aViewBox[1]."),ST_Point(".(float)$this->aViewBox[2].",".(float)$this->aViewBox[3].")),4326)";
- $this->sViewboxLargeSQL = "ST_SetSRID(ST_MakeBox2D(ST_Point(".(float)$aBigViewBox[0].",".(float)$aBigViewBox[1]."),ST_Point(".(float)$aBigViewBox[2].",".(float)$aBigViewBox[3].")),4326)";
- $bBoundingBoxSearch = $this->bBoundedSearch;
- }
- // Route SQL
- if ($this->aRoutePoints)
+ $bBoundingBoxSearch = $this->bBoundedSearch && $this->sViewboxSmallSQL;
+ if ($this->sViewboxCentreSQL)
- $sViewboxCentreSQL = "ST_SetSRID('LINESTRING(";
- $bFirst = true;
- foreach($this->aRoutePoints as $aPoint)
- {
- if (!$bFirst) $sViewboxCentreSQL .= ",";
- $sViewboxCentreSQL .= $aPoint[0].' '.$aPoint[1];
- $bFirst = false;
- }
- $sViewboxCentreSQL .= ")'::geometry,4326)";
- $sSQL = "select st_buffer(".$sViewboxCentreSQL.",".(float)($_GET['routewidth']/69).")";
- $this->sViewboxSmallSQL = chksql($this->oDB->getOne($sSQL),
- "Could not get small viewbox.");
- $this->sViewboxSmallSQL = "'".$this->sViewboxSmallSQL."'::geometry";
- $sSQL = "select st_buffer(".$sViewboxCentreSQL.",".(float)($_GET['routewidth']/30).")";
- $this->sViewboxLargeSQL = chksql($this->oDB->getOne($sSQL),
- "Could not get large viewbox.");
- $this->sViewboxLargeSQL = "'".$this->sViewboxLargeSQL."'::geometry";
- $bBoundingBoxSearch = $this->bBoundedSearch;
+ // For complex viewboxes (routes) precompute the bounding geometry
+ $sGeom = chksql($this->oDB->getOne("select ".$this->sViewboxSmallSQL),
+ "Could not get small viewbox");
+ $this->sViewboxSmallSQL = "'".$sGeom."'::geometry";
+ $sGeom = chksql($this->oDB->getOne("select ".$this->sViewboxLargeSQL),
+ "Could not get large viewbox");
+ $this->sViewboxLargeSQL = "'".$sGeom."'::geometry";
// Do we have anything that looks like a lat/lon pair?
$sSQL .= " and place_id not in (".join(',',$this->aExcludePlaceIDs).")";
- if ($sViewboxCentreSQL) $sSQL .= " order by st_distance($sViewboxCentreSQL, ct.centroid) asc";
+ if ($this->sViewboxCentreSQL) $sSQL .= " order by st_distance($this->sViewboxCentreSQL, ct.centroid) asc";
$sSQL .= " limit $this->iLimit";
if (CONST_Debug) var_dump($sSQL);
$aPlaceIDs = chksql($this->oDB->getCol($sSQL));
if ($sCountryCodesSQL) $sSQL .= " join placex using (place_id)";
$sSQL .= " where st_contains($this->sViewboxLargeSQL, ct.centroid)";
if ($sCountryCodesSQL) $sSQL .= " and calculated_country_code in ($sCountryCodesSQL)";
- if ($sViewboxCentreSQL) $sSQL .= " order by st_distance($sViewboxCentreSQL, ct.centroid) asc";
+ if ($this->sViewboxCentreSQL) $sSQL .= " order by st_distance($this->sViewboxCentreSQL, ct.centroid) asc";
$sSQL .= " limit $this->iLimit";
if (CONST_Debug) var_dump($sSQL);
$aPlaceIDs = chksql($this->oDB->getCol($sSQL));
$sSQL = "select place_id from placex where class='".$aSearch['sClass']."' and type='".$aSearch['sType']."'";
$sSQL .= " and st_contains($this->sViewboxSmallSQL, geometry) and linked_place_id is null";
if ($sCountryCodesSQL) $sSQL .= " and calculated_country_code in ($sCountryCodesSQL)";
- if ($sViewboxCentreSQL) $sSQL .= " order by st_distance($sViewboxCentreSQL, centroid) asc";
+ if ($this->sViewboxCentreSQL) $sSQL .= " order by st_distance($this->sViewboxCentreSQL, centroid) asc";
$sSQL .= " limit $this->iLimit";
if (CONST_Debug) var_dump($sSQL);
$aPlaceIDs = chksql($this->oDB->getCol($sSQL));