* [ ] increase versions in
* `src/nominatim_api/version.py`
* `src/nominatim_db/version.py`
- * CMakeLists.txt
* [ ] update `ChangeLog` (copy information from patch releases from release branch)
* [ ] complete `docs/admin/Migration.md`
* [ ] update EOL dates in `SECURITY.md`
* [ ] commit and make sure CI tests pass
+* [ ] update OSMF production repo and release new version -post1 there
* [ ] test migration
* download, build and import previous version
* migrate using master version
* run updates using master version
* [ ] prepare tarball:
- * `git clone --recursive https://github.com/osm-search/Nominatim` (switch to right branch!)
- * `rm -r .git* osm2pgsql/.git*`
+ * `git clone https://github.com/osm-search/Nominatim` (switch to right branch!)
+ * `rm -r .git*`
* copy country data into `data/`
* add version to base directory and package
* [ ] upload tarball to https://nominatim.org