+def run_php_server(server_address: str, base_dir: StrPath) -> None:
+ """ Run the built-in server from the given directory.
+ """
+ subprocess.run(['/usr/bin/env', 'php', '-S', server_address],
+ cwd=str(base_dir), check=True)
+def run_osm2pgsql(options: Mapping[str, Any]) -> None:
+ """ Run osm2pgsql with the given options.
+ """
+ env = get_pg_env(options['dsn'])
+ cmd = [str(options['osm2pgsql']),
+ '--hstore', '--latlon', '--slim',
+ '--log-progress', 'true',
+ '--number-processes', str(options['threads']),
+ '--cache', str(options['osm2pgsql_cache']),
+ '--style', str(options['osm2pgsql_style'])
+ ]
+ if str(options['osm2pgsql_style']).endswith('.lua'):
+ env['LUA_PATH'] = ';'.join((str(options['osm2pgsql_style_path'] / 'flex-base.lua'),
+ os.environ.get('LUAPATH', ';')))
+ cmd.extend(('--output', 'flex'))
+ else:
+ cmd.extend(('--output', 'gazetteer'))
+ cmd.append('--append' if options['append'] else '--create')
+ if options['flatnode_file']:
+ cmd.extend(('--flat-nodes', options['flatnode_file']))
+ if not options.get('forward_dependencies', False):
+ cmd.extend(('--with-forward-dependencies', 'false'))
+ for key, param in (('slim_data', '--tablespace-slim-data'),
+ ('slim_index', '--tablespace-slim-index'),
+ ('main_data', '--tablespace-main-data'),
+ ('main_index', '--tablespace-main-index')):
+ if options['tablespaces'][key]:
+ cmd.extend((param, options['tablespaces'][key]))
+ if options.get('disable_jit', False):
+ env['PGOPTIONS'] = '-c jit=off -c max_parallel_workers_per_gather=0'
+ if 'import_data' in options:
+ cmd.extend(('-r', 'xml', '-'))
+ elif isinstance(options['import_file'], list):
+ for fname in options['import_file']:
+ cmd.append(str(fname))
+ else:
+ cmd.append(str(options['import_file']))
+ subprocess.run(cmd, cwd=options.get('cwd', '.'),
+ input=options.get('import_data'),
+ env=env, check=True)
+def get_url(url: str) -> str: