- if self.reuse_template:
- # check that the template is there
- conn = self.connect_database('postgres')
- cur = conn.cursor()
- cur.execute('select count(*) from pg_database where datname = %s',
- (self.template_db,))
- if cur.fetchone()[0] == 1:
- return
- conn.close()
- else:
- # just in case... make sure a previous table has been dropped
- self.db_drop_database(self.template_db)
- try:
- # call the first part of database setup
- self.write_nominatim_config(self.template_db)
- self.run_setup_script('create-db', 'setup-db')
- # remove external data to speed up indexing for tests
- conn = self.connect_database(self.template_db)
- cur = conn.cursor()
- cur.execute("""select tablename from pg_tables
- where tablename in ('gb_postcode', 'us_postcode')""")
- for t in cur:
- conn.cursor().execute('TRUNCATE TABLE {}'.format(t[0]))
- conn.commit()
- conn.close()
- # execute osm2pgsql import on an empty file to get the right tables
- with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(dir='/tmp', suffix='.xml') as fd:
- fd.write(b'<osm version="0.6"></osm>')
- fd.flush()
- self.run_setup_script('import-data',
- 'ignore-errors',
- 'create-functions',
- 'create-tables',
- 'create-partition-tables',
- 'create-partition-functions',
- 'load-data',
- 'create-search-indices',
- osm_file=fd.name,
- osm2pgsql_cache='200')
- except:
- self.db_drop_database(self.template_db)
- raise
+ self.write_nominatim_config(self.template_db)
+ if not self._reuse_or_drop_db(self.template_db):
+ try:
+ # execute nominatim import on an empty file to get the right tables
+ with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(dir='/tmp', suffix='.xml') as fd:
+ fd.write(b'<osm version="0.6"></osm>')
+ fd.flush()
+ self.run_nominatim('import', '--osm-file', fd.name,
+ '--osm2pgsql-cache', '1',
+ '--ignore-errors',
+ '--offline', '--index-noanalyse')
+ except:
+ self.db_drop_database(self.template_db)
+ raise
+ self.run_nominatim('refresh', '--functions')