class SpecialTerm
/// Database word id, if applicable.
- public $iId;
+ private $iId;
/// Class (or OSM tag key) of the place to look for.
- public $sClass;
+ private $sClass;
/// Type (or OSM tag value) of the place to look for.
- public $sType;
+ private $sType;
/// Relationship of the operator to the object (see Operator class).
- public $iOperator;
+ private $iOperator;
public function __construct($iID, $sClass, $sType, $iOperator)
$this->iOperator = $iOperator;
+ public function getId()
+ {
+ return $this->iId;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Check if the token can be added to the given search.
+ * Derive new searches by adding this token to an existing search.
+ *
+ * @param object $oSearch Partial search description derived so far.
+ * @param object $oPosition Description of the token position within
+ the query.
+ *
+ * @return True if the token is compatible with the search configuration
+ * given the position.
+ */
+ public function isExtendable($oSearch, $oPosition)
+ {
+ return !$oSearch->hasOperator()
+ && $oPosition->isPhrase('')
+ && ($this->iOperator != \Nominatim\Operator::NONE
+ || (!$oSearch->hasAddress() && !$oSearch->hasHousenumber() && !$oSearch->hasCountry()));
+ }
+ /**
+ * Derive new searches by adding this token to an existing search.
+ *
+ * @param object $oSearch Partial search description derived so far.
+ * @param object $oPosition Description of the token position within
+ the query.
+ *
+ * @return SearchDescription[] List of derived search descriptions.
+ */
+ public function extendSearch($oSearch, $oPosition)
+ {
+ $iSearchCost = 2;
+ $iOp = $this->iOperator;
+ if ($iOp == \Nominatim\Operator::NONE) {
+ if ($oSearch->hasName() || $oSearch->getContext()->isBoundedSearch()) {
+ $iOp = \Nominatim\Operator::NAME;
+ } else {
+ $iOp = \Nominatim\Operator::NEAR;
+ $iSearchCost += 2;
+ }
+ } elseif (!$oPosition->isFirstToken() && !$oPosition->isLastToken()) {
+ $iSearchCost += 2;
+ }
+ if ($oSearch->hasHousenumber()) {
+ $iSearchCost ++;
+ }
+ $oNewSearch = $oSearch->clone($iSearchCost);
+ $oNewSearch->setPoiSearch($iOp, $this->sClass, $this->sType);
+ return array($oNewSearch);
+ }
public function debugInfo()
return array(
+ public function debugCode()
+ {
+ return 'S';
+ }