FOR nodeidpos in 1..array_upper(waynodes, 1) LOOP
- -- If there is a place of a type other than place/house, use that because
- -- it is guaranteed to be the original node. For place/house types use the
- -- one with the smallest id because the original node was created first.
- -- Ignore all nodes marked for deletion. (Might happen when the type changes.)
- select * from placex where osm_type = 'N' and osm_id = waynodes[nodeidpos]::BIGINT
- and indexed_status < 100 and housenumber is not NULL
- order by (type = 'address'),place_id limit 1 INTO nextnode;
+ select * from place where osm_type = 'N' and osm_id = waynodes[nodeidpos]::BIGINT
+ and housenumber is not NULL limit 1 INTO nextnode;
--RAISE NOTICE 'Nextnode.place_id: %s', nextnode.place_id;
- IF nextnode.place_id IS NOT NULL THEN
+ IF nextnode.osm_id IS NOT NULL THEN
--RAISE NOTICE 'place_id is not null';
IF nodeidpos > 1 and nodeidpos < array_upper(waynodes, 1) THEN
-- Make sure that the point is actually on the line. That might
startnumber := housenum;
sectiongeo := ST_Reverse(sectiongeo);
- -- a correction for odd/even is NOT necessary anymore (e.g. if interpolationtype=even, but start/endnumber != even)
- -- see PlaceLookup.php
- -- keep for compatibility with previous versions
- delete from placex where osm_type = 'N' and osm_id = prevnode.osm_id
- and place_id != prevnode.place_id and class = 'place'
- and type = 'house';
insert into location_property_osmline
- values (sectiongeo, nextval('seq_place'), partition, wayid, NULL, startnumber, endnumber, interpolationtype, prevnode.admin_level,
- street, coalesce(prevnode.postcode, defpostalcode),
- calculated_country_code, geometry_sector, 2, now());
+ values (sectiongeo, nextval('seq_place'), partition, wayid, NULL, startnumber, endnumber,
+ interpolationtype, street, coalesce(prevnode.postcode, defpostalcode),
+ calculated_country_code, geometry_sector, 2, now());
-- early break if we are out of line string,