assert_in(key, ('class', 'type', 'street', 'addr_place',
'isin', 'postcode'))
- self.columns[key] = value
+ self.columns[key] = None if value == '' else value
def set_key_name(self, value):
self.add_hstore('name', 'name', value)
self.columns['admin_level'] = int(value)
def set_key_housenr(self, value):
- self.columns['housenumber'] = value
+ self.columns['housenumber'] = None if value == '' else value
def set_key_country(self, value):
- self.columns['country_code'] = value
+ self.columns['country_code'] = None if value == '' else value
def set_key_geometry(self, value):
self.geometry = self.context.osm.parse_geometry(value, self.context.scene)
for _ in range(int(random.random()*30))))
if self.columns['osm_type'] == 'N' and self.geometry is None:
- self.geometry = "ST_SetSRID(ST_Point(%f, %f), 4326)" % (
- random.random()*360 - 180, random.random()*180 - 90)
+ pt = self.context.osm.grid_node(self.columns['osm_id'])
+ if pt is None:
+ pt = (random.random()*360 - 180, random.random()*180 - 90)
+ self.geometry = "ST_SetSRID(ST_Point(%f, %f), 4326)" % pt
assert_is_not_none(self.geometry, "Geometry missing")
query = 'INSERT INTO place (%s, geometry) values(%s, %s)' % (
params = [self.typ, self. oid]
if self.cls is not None:
- where += ' class = %s'
+ where += ' and class = %s'
return where, params
return cur.fetchone()[0]
-def assert_db_column(row, column, value):
+def assert_db_column(row, column, value, context):
if column == 'object':
if column.startswith('centroid'):
- fac = float(column[9:]) if h.startswith('centroid*') else 1.0
+ fac = float(column[9:]) if column.startswith('centroid*') else 1.0
x, y = value.split(' ')
- assert_almost_equal(float(x) * fac, row['cx'])
- assert_almost_equal(float(y) * fac, row['cy'])
+ assert_almost_equal(float(x) * fac, row['cx'], "Bad x coordinate")
+ assert_almost_equal(float(y) * fac, row['cy'], "Bad y coordinate")
+ elif column == 'geometry':
+ geom = context.osm.parse_geometry(value, context.scene)
+ cur = context.db.cursor()
+ query = "SELECT ST_Equals(ST_SnapToGrid(%s, 0.00001, 0.00001), ST_SnapToGrid(ST_SetSRID('%s'::geometry, 4326), 0.00001, 0.00001))" % (
+ geom, row['geomtxt'],)
+ cur.execute(query)
+ eq_(cur.fetchone()[0], True, "(Row %s failed: %s)" % (column, query))
+ elif value == '-':
+ assert_is_none(row[column], "Row %s" % column)
eq_(value, str(row[column]),
"Row '%s': expected: %s, got: %s"
last_node = 0
last_way = 0
parts = []
- members = []
- for m in r['members'].split(','):
- mid = NominatimID(m)
- if mid.typ == 'N':
- parts.insert(last_node, int(mid.oid))
- members.insert(2 * last_node, mid.cls)
- members.insert(2 * last_node, 'n' + mid.oid)
- last_node += 1
- last_way += 1
- elif mid.typ == 'W':
- parts.insert(last_way, int(mid.oid))
- members.insert(2 * last_way, mid.cls)
- members.insert(2 * last_way, 'w' + mid.oid)
- last_way += 1
- else:
- parts.append(int(mid.oid))
- members.extend(('r' + mid.oid, mid.cls))
+ if r['members']:
+ members = []
+ for m in r['members'].split(','):
+ mid = NominatimID(m)
+ if mid.typ == 'N':
+ parts.insert(last_node, int(mid.oid))
+ last_node += 1
+ last_way += 1
+ elif mid.typ == 'W':
+ parts.insert(last_way, int(mid.oid))
+ last_way += 1
+ else:
+ parts.append(int(mid.oid))
+ members.extend((mid.typ.lower() + mid.oid, mid.cls or ''))
+ else:
+ members = None
tags = []
for h in r.headings:
select * from place where not (class='place' and type='houses' and osm_type='W')""")
- """select insert_osmline (osm_id, housenumber, street, addr_place,
- postcode, country_code, geometry)
- from place where class='place' and type='houses' and osm_type='W'""")
+ """insert into location_property_osmline
+ (osm_id, interpolationtype, street, addr_place,
+ postcode, calculated_country_code, linegeo)
+ SELECT osm_id, housenumber, street, addr_place,
+ postcode, country_code, geometry from place
+ WHERE class='place' and type='houses' and osm_type='W'
+ and ST_GeometryType(geometry) = 'ST_LineString'""")
context.nominatim.run_setup_script('index', 'index-noanalyse')
+@when("updating places")
+def update_place_table(context):
+ context.nominatim.run_setup_script(
+ 'create-functions', 'create-partition-functions', 'enable-diff-updates')
+ cur = context.db.cursor()
+ for r in context.table:
+ col = PlaceColumn(context, False)
+ for h in r.headings:
+ col.add(h, r[h])
+ col.db_insert(cur)
+ context.db.commit()
+ while True:
+ context.nominatim.run_update_script('index')
+ cur = context.db.cursor()
+ cur.execute("SELECT 'a' FROM placex WHERE indexed_status != 0 LIMIT 1")
+ if cur.rowcount == 0:
+ break
+@when("marking for delete (?P<oids>.*)")
+def delete_places(context, oids):
+ context.nominatim.run_setup_script(
+ 'create-functions', 'create-partition-functions', 'enable-diff-updates')
+ cur = context.db.cursor()
+ for oid in oids.split(','):
+ where, params = NominatimID(oid).table_select()
+ cur.execute("DELETE FROM place WHERE " + where, params)
+ context.db.commit()
+ while True:
+ context.nominatim.run_update_script('index')
+ cur = context.db.cursor()
+ cur.execute("SELECT 'a' FROM placex WHERE indexed_status != 0 LIMIT 1")
+ if cur.rowcount == 0:
+ break
@then("placex contains(?P<exact> exactly)?")
def check_placex_contents(context, exact):
ST_X(centroid) as cx, ST_Y(centroid) as cy
FROM placex where %s""" % where,
+ assert_less(0, cur.rowcount, "No rows found for " + row['object'])
for res in cur:
if exact:
eq_(res['name'][name], row[h])
elif h.startswith('extratags+'):
eq_(res['extratags'][h[10:]], row[h])
- elif h == 'parent_place_id':
+ elif h in ('linked_place_id', 'parent_place_id'):
if row[h] == '0':
eq_(0, res[h])
+ elif row[h] == '-':
+ assert_is_none(res[h])
- assert_db_column(res, h, row[h])
+ assert_db_column(res, h, row[h], context)
if exact:
cur.execute('SELECT osm_type, osm_id, class from placex')
+@then("place contains(?P<exact> exactly)?")
+def check_placex_contents(context, exact):
+ cur = context.db.cursor(cursor_factory=psycopg2.extras.DictCursor)
+ expected_content = set()
+ for row in context.table:
+ nid = NominatimID(row['object'])
+ where, params = nid.table_select()
+ cur.execute("""SELECT *, ST_AsText(geometry) as geomtxt,
+ ST_GeometryType(geometry) as geometrytype
+ FROM place where %s""" % where,
+ params)
+ assert_less(0, cur.rowcount, "No rows found for " + row['object'])
+ for res in cur:
+ if exact:
+ expected_content.add((res['osm_type'], res['osm_id'], res['class']))
+ for h in row.headings:
+ msg = "%s: %s" % (row['object'], h)
+ if h in ('name', 'extratags'):
+ if row[h] == '-':
+ assert_is_none(res[h], msg)
+ else:
+ vdict = eval('{' + row[h] + '}')
+ assert_equals(vdict, res[h], msg)
+ elif h.startswith('name+'):
+ assert_equals(res['name'][h[5:]], row[h], msg)
+ elif h.startswith('extratags+'):
+ assert_equals(res['extratags'][h[10:]], row[h], msg)
+ elif h in ('linked_place_id', 'parent_place_id'):
+ if row[h] == '0':
+ assert_equals(0, res[h], msg)
+ elif row[h] == '-':
+ assert_is_none(res[h], msg)
+ else:
+ assert_equals(NominatimID(row[h]).get_place_id(context.db.cursor()),
+ res[h], msg)
+ else:
+ assert_db_column(res, h, row[h], context)
+ if exact:
+ cur.execute('SELECT osm_type, osm_id, class from place')
+ eq_(expected_content, set([(r[0], r[1], r[2]) for r in cur]))
+ context.db.commit()
@then("search_name contains")
def check_search_name_contents(context):
cur = context.db.cursor(cursor_factory=psycopg2.extras.DictCursor)
pid = NominatimID(row['object']).get_place_id(cur)
cur.execute("""SELECT *, ST_X(centroid) as cx, ST_Y(centroid) as cy
FROM search_name WHERE place_id = %s""", (pid, ))
+ assert_less(0, cur.rowcount, "No rows found for " + row['object'])
for res in cur:
for h in row.headings:
assert_in(wid[0], res[h],
"Missing term for %s/%s: %s" % (pid, h, wid[1]))
- assert_db_column(res, h, row[h])
+ assert_db_column(res, h, row[h], context)
+@then("(?P<oid>\w+) expands to(?P<neg> no)? interpolation")
+def check_location_property_osmline(context, oid, neg):
+ cur = context.db.cursor(cursor_factory=psycopg2.extras.DictCursor)
+ nid = NominatimID(oid)
+ eq_('W', nid.typ, "interpolation must be a way")
+ cur.execute("""SELECT *, ST_AsText(linegeo) as geomtxt
+ FROM location_property_osmline
+ WHERE osm_id = %s AND startnumber IS NOT NULL""",
+ (nid.oid, ))
+ if neg:
+ eq_(0, cur.rowcount)
+ return
+ todo = list(range(len(list(context.table))))
+ for res in cur:
+ for i in todo:
+ row = context.table[i]
+ if (int(row['start']) == res['startnumber']
+ and int(row['end']) == res['endnumber']):
+ todo.remove(i)
+ break
+ else:
+ assert False, "Unexpected row %s" % (str(res))
+ for h in row.headings:
+ if h in ('start', 'end'):
+ continue
+ elif h == 'parent_place_id':
+ if row[h] == '0':
+ eq_(0, res[h])
+ elif row[h] == '-':
+ assert_is_none(res[h])
+ else:
+ eq_(NominatimID(row[h]).get_place_id(context.db.cursor()),
+ res[h])
+ else:
+ assert_db_column(res, h, row[h], context)
+ eq_(todo, [])
-@then("placex has no entry for (?P<oid>.*)")
-def check_placex_has_entry(context, oid):
+@then("(?P<table>placex|place) has no entry for (?P<oid>.*)")
+def check_placex_has_entry(context, table, oid):
cur = context.db.cursor(cursor_factory=psycopg2.extras.DictCursor)
nid = NominatimID(oid)
where, params = nid.table_select()
- cur.execute("SELECT * FROM placex where %s" % where, params)
+ cur.execute("SELECT * FROM %s where %s" % (table, where), params)
eq_(0, cur.rowcount)