- result = SearchResult(source_table=SourceTable.PLACEX,
- place_id=row.place_id,
- parent_place_id=row.parent_place_id,
- linked_place_id=row.linked_place_id,
- osm_object=(row.osm_type, row.osm_id),
- category=(row.class_, row.type),
- admin_level=row.admin_level,
- names=row.name,
- address=row.address,
- extratags=row.extratags,
- housenumber=row.housenumber,
- postcode=row.postcode,
- wikipedia=row.wikipedia,
- rank_address=row.rank_address,
- rank_search=row.rank_search,
- importance=row.importance,
- country_code=row.country_code,
- indexed_date=getattr(row, 'indexed_date'),
- centroid=Point(row.x, row.y))
- result.geometry = {k[9:]: v for k, v in row._mapping.items() # pylint: disable=W0212
- if k.startswith('geometry_')}
- return result
-async def add_result_details(conn: SearchConnection, result: SearchResult,
+ distance: Optional[float] = None
+ bbox: Optional[Bbox] = None
+class ReverseResults(List[ReverseResult]):
+ """ Sequence of reverse lookup results ordered by distance.
+ May be empty when no result was found.
+ """
+class SearchResult(BaseResult):
+ """ A search result for forward geocoding.
+ """
+ bbox: Optional[Bbox] = None
+ accuracy: float = 0.0
+ @property
+ def ranking(self) -> float:
+ """ Return the ranking, a combined measure of accuracy and importance.
+ """
+ return (self.accuracy if self.accuracy is not None else 1) \
+ - self.calculated_importance()
+class SearchResults(List[SearchResult]):
+ """ Sequence of forward lookup results ordered by relevance.
+ May be empty when no result was found.
+ """
+def _filter_geometries(row: SaRow) -> Dict[str, str]:
+ return {k[9:]: v for k, v in row._mapping.items() # pylint: disable=W0212
+ if k.startswith('geometry_')}
+def create_from_placex_row(row: Optional[SaRow],
+ class_type: Type[BaseResultT]) -> Optional[BaseResultT]:
+ """ Construct a new result and add the data from the result row
+ from the placex table. 'class_type' defines the type of result
+ to return. Returns None if the row is None.
+ """
+ if row is None:
+ return None
+ return class_type(source_table=SourceTable.PLACEX,
+ place_id=row.place_id,
+ osm_object=(row.osm_type, row.osm_id),
+ category=(row.class_, row.type),
+ names=_mingle_name_tags(row.name),
+ address=row.address,
+ extratags=row.extratags,
+ housenumber=row.housenumber,
+ postcode=row.postcode,
+ wikipedia=row.wikipedia,
+ rank_address=row.rank_address,
+ rank_search=row.rank_search,
+ importance=row.importance,
+ country_code=row.country_code,
+ centroid=Point.from_wkb(row.centroid.data),
+ geometry=_filter_geometries(row))
+def create_from_osmline_row(row: Optional[SaRow],
+ class_type: Type[BaseResultT]) -> Optional[BaseResultT]:
+ """ Construct a new result and add the data from the result row
+ from the address interpolation table osmline. 'class_type' defines
+ the type of result to return. Returns None if the row is None.
+ If the row contains a housenumber, then the housenumber is filled out.
+ Otherwise the result contains the interpolation information in extratags.
+ """
+ if row is None:
+ return None
+ hnr = getattr(row, 'housenumber', None)
+ res = class_type(source_table=SourceTable.OSMLINE,
+ place_id=row.place_id,
+ osm_object=('W', row.osm_id),
+ category=('place', 'houses' if hnr is None else 'house'),
+ address=row.address,
+ postcode=row.postcode,
+ country_code=row.country_code,
+ centroid=Point.from_wkb(row.centroid.data),
+ geometry=_filter_geometries(row))
+ if hnr is None:
+ res.extratags = {'startnumber': str(row.startnumber),
+ 'endnumber': str(row.endnumber),
+ 'step': str(row.step)}
+ else:
+ res.housenumber = str(hnr)
+ return res
+def create_from_tiger_row(row: Optional[SaRow],
+ class_type: Type[BaseResultT]) -> Optional[BaseResultT]:
+ """ Construct a new result and add the data from the result row
+ from the Tiger data interpolation table. 'class_type' defines
+ the type of result to return. Returns None if the row is None.
+ If the row contains a housenumber, then the housenumber is filled out.
+ Otherwise the result contains the interpolation information in extratags.
+ """
+ if row is None:
+ return None
+ hnr = getattr(row, 'housenumber', None)
+ res = class_type(source_table=SourceTable.TIGER,
+ place_id=row.place_id,
+ osm_object=(row.osm_type, row.osm_id),
+ category=('place', 'houses' if hnr is None else 'house'),
+ postcode=row.postcode,
+ country_code='us',
+ centroid=Point.from_wkb(row.centroid.data),
+ geometry=_filter_geometries(row))
+ if hnr is None:
+ res.extratags = {'startnumber': str(row.startnumber),
+ 'endnumber': str(row.endnumber),
+ 'step': str(row.step)}
+ else:
+ res.housenumber = str(hnr)
+ return res
+def create_from_postcode_row(row: Optional[SaRow],
+ class_type: Type[BaseResultT]) -> Optional[BaseResultT]:
+ """ Construct a new result and add the data from the result row
+ from the postcode table. 'class_type' defines
+ the type of result to return. Returns None if the row is None.
+ """
+ if row is None:
+ return None
+ return class_type(source_table=SourceTable.POSTCODE,
+ place_id=row.place_id,
+ category=('place', 'postcode'),
+ names={'ref': row.postcode},
+ rank_search=row.rank_search,
+ rank_address=row.rank_address,
+ country_code=row.country_code,
+ centroid=Point.from_wkb(row.centroid.data),
+ geometry=_filter_geometries(row))
+def create_from_country_row(row: Optional[SaRow],
+ class_type: Type[BaseResultT]) -> Optional[BaseResultT]:
+ """ Construct a new result and add the data from the result row
+ from the fallback country tables. 'class_type' defines
+ the type of result to return. Returns None if the row is None.
+ """
+ if row is None:
+ return None
+ return class_type(source_table=SourceTable.COUNTRY,
+ category=('place', 'country'),
+ centroid=Point.from_wkb(row.centroid.data),
+ names=row.name,
+ rank_address=4, rank_search=4,
+ country_code=row.country_code)
+async def add_result_details(conn: SearchConnection, results: List[BaseResultT],