import tempfile
import random
import os
-from import * # for assert functions
-@given(u'the (\d+ )?grid')
+@given(u'the ([0-9.]+ )?grid')
def define_node_grid(context, grid_step):
Define a grid of node positions.
if grid_step is not None:
- grid_step = int(grd_step.strip())
+ grid_step = float(grid_step.strip())
grid_step = 0.00001
context.nominatim.run_setup_script('create-functions', 'create-partition-functions')
cur = context.db.cursor()
- cur.execute("""insert into placex (osm_type, osm_id, class, type, name,
- admin_level, housenumber, street, addr_place, isin, postcode,
- country_code, extratags, geometry) select * from place""")
+ cur.execute("""insert into placex (osm_type, osm_id, class, type, name, admin_level, address, extratags, geometry)
+ select osm_type, osm_id, class, type, name, admin_level, address, extratags, geometry from place""")
- """select insert_osmline (osm_id, housenumber, street, addr_place,
- postcode, country_code, geometry)
- from place where class='place' and type='houses' and osm_type='W'""")
+ """insert into location_property_osmline (osm_id, address, linegeo)
+ SELECT osm_id, address, geometry from place
+ WHERE class='place' and type='houses' and osm_type='W'
+ and ST_GeometryType(geometry) = 'ST_LineString'""")
context.nominatim.run_setup_script('index', 'index-noanalyse')
context.nominatim.run_setup_script('create-functions', 'create-partition-functions',